26 thoughts on “Book worm

  1. some folks are offended by things like dog ears, but I think it is a compliment to the author…so tell Oscar, WELL DONE!


  2. So wonderful that you’ve shared your love of reading with Oscar! Maybe you CAN teach this old dog some new tricks….he could read them himself!! ;-))


  3. aww, so pretty! He looks a lot like the dog I met yesterday when I bought the skirt (the dog worked part-time, I think), so incredibly pretty and kind and with big brown eyes and I wasn’t even allergic. And now I’m thinking about kittens and dogs and unicorns instead of making lots and lots of books for the Christmas fair,
    ciao 🙂


  4. Our new dog tries to stick his nose in any book I am reading. I wish I could say it’s an interest in reading, but I think, with him, it is more of a quest for attention.


  5. And I’m sure that’s a classic he’s reading! 🙂

    Have a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving! *hugs*

    Wait a minute… do you celebrate Thanksgiving over there??


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