We’re all searching for something

As I was looking through some recent photos, I noticed that our dog Oscar often had his nose buried in the ground.


What was he looking for? Exciting smells, traces of rabbits or just enjoying the feel of the cool dirt on his nose?


Head down, examining roots and leaves. What is he searching for?


Ah – at last! Is it the ball he has found – or autumn itself?

For more inquisitive pets, please visit: Pet Pride.

39 thoughts on “We’re all searching for something

  1. Hi Ladyfi;) I loved Oscar snuffling in the autumn leaves until he found the ball. Is he still alive? You spoke of your Lab on my blog comments (thanks for visiting!)


  2. Such gorgeous and deep fall colors in your photos. I wonder if the cooler air makes the leaves turn more?

    Oscar looks very happy, sniffing for treasures.



  3. So glad he found his ball! Can’t do without those! Beautiful shots, lovely colors and Oscar is such a beautiful dog!

    Have a great week — you and Oscar both!

    Sylvia, Sam and Mojo


  4. When my dogs are out sniffing we say they’re ‘reading their email’ – and if they stay on one spot too long it’s because their email had an attachment!


  5. I just love Oscar! 🙂 We took a walk-about this afternoon, and our lab Ringo took a few dips in the pond. He loves to go with us on our walk-abouts.

    And yes, we are definitely enjoying the strawberry jam. It turned out marvelous, so I’m going to have to make more!!


  6. Siren does the same thing
    and he’s an indoor cat!!
    he’ll just suddenly stop and bury his nose somewhere as though he’s never been there before


  7. I love Oscar! Our golden Rosey loves to hide chewies and bones in my gardens. Then she forgets where she put them! Months later she’ll come in with this nasty, dirty thing and she couldn’t be happier.


  8. This is going to sound really odd, but the smell of fall leaves and sunshine together is so intoxicating that I once told my husband I felt as though I could smoosh my face right into the leafy ground. Maybe I’m part puppy?!



  9. Dogs have such a powerful sense of smell that they get far more from a sniff of something than a mere human might manage. Happy Oscar, rustling through those wonderful autumn leaves.


  10. Oscar and the fall foliage are both great. Dogs are so funny. Tiger the Wonder Dog grabbed a piece of bread and buried it right in the middle of my sun garden. He’s not the brightest crayon in the box. Loved your beautiful pictures, so glad I dropped in.

    As we say down here in the Ozark hills and hollers, Ya’ll have a wonderfully blessed day!!!


  11. I have to tell you that often, when I click on your blog, I don’t get any photos, just text, and tonight is one of those times. I had to visualize Oscar and the foliage, and believe me, my imagination is turned on full blast. I wonder if others experience this too, or if it’s just my computer.


  12. More beautiful photographs! I wish I could figure out what I’m searching for… I get close to finding it, then it escapes me. Interesting.


  13. You are outdoing yourself with the wonderful photos! Chance is always nose to the ground too..it is a dog thing.. they have to check out their territory and make sure no one has come through and peed in there territory. Oscar has found his ball..he is a beautiful dog! 🙂


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