
Oh, all right! I’ll join in… Both Kelli and Patti in Denmark tagged me separately to tell me that I was … well … awesome! Proof, if you need it, that they are bonkers…

The difficult part of this tag is that instead of telling you all how wonderful I think they are, I’m supposed to tell you why I’m so great. I’m not sure if you are ready for this – but here goes!

phd-in-awesomenessI am awesome because:

  • I’ve got my own teeth, hair and wrinkles. And I don’t bite my nails, eat my hair or suck my toes.
  • I can already embarrass my kids at the tender ages of 6 and nearly 8. Just imagine how honed my skills will be when they are teenagers!
  • What I lack in sewing, housekeeping and cooking skills (I’ve got milk splashes on my ceiling, for goodness sake!), I  make up for with my imagination.
  • I can scream like a girl. In fact, I spend all summer screaming whenever I see wasps. I’ve developed a scream that can kill them of a heart attack from a distance of 3 metres.


  • I can cut off a subject’s head when taking a photo and have mastered the art of lop-sided composition. (That pig just wouldn’t pose!)
  • I climb the stairs instead of using the lift or moving escalator.
  • I encourage my kids to play, scream and get dirty. My motto is: You’re kids! You’re supposed to run around screaming and get dirty! Whenever I complain about the anklebiters being too noisy or bringing in too much dirt into the house, then they throw that motto right back in my face. In fact, once my daughter looked down at herself and said apologetically, “Sorry, mama! I wasn’t doing my job today. I’m just too clean!”

31 thoughts on “Awesome-proof

  1. I love your motto. So climbing the stairs is also an awesome thing to do, especially in the US. Most use the escalator. I also like that you have your own hair and teeth and wrinkles. So do I.


  2. May I point out the kids have learnt the art of killing a wasp at three metres also!


  3. Just back from vacation and catching up on your blog. You are awesome! (This is a word my son just discovered and is using in almost every other sentence so I had to laugh when I saw this). And I had to tell you about a quote I saw from Will Ferrell about he and his wife (both of whom are quite tall) talking about how they have a summer cottage in Sweden and he says how ridiculous it is because they are so big and it is like they are in a dollhouse because the cottage is so small. It was pretty funny (not how I tell it though) and it made me think of you!


  4. Well of course you are awesome….that’s why we all read your blog!!!

    I’m slightly concerned that you felt the need to share the fact that you don’t suck your toes….that kinda implies that you know someone that does….and I have to say that that freaks me out a bit!!

    Yay for Mum’s who encourage their kids to be kids i.e. dirty and loud!! I’m with French Fancy….can you adopt me too please? (If you do I’ll do the cooking!!)

    C x


  5. The kids ARE supposed to be all that… what about bumps, cuts and bruises? Aren’t they supposed to get just a sample of those, too?

    And yes, you do sound awesome!


  6. Kids are supposed to be dirty and happy. I’d say you are definitely qulaified as awesome.

    And the pig?! There was a lot of pig to get into the picture! I can see where you might’ve needed to cut something off 🙂


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