
I asked Sir Pe to buy me something essential for survival at this time of year. Can you guess what it is? Oh – and just to be really obvious – the manufacturer wanted us to know this:


Er… I know it’s not a toy. After all, I do know what it is I’m buying! But thanks anyway for the heads up!

So, time’s up… Yes – you’re right! It’s one of those reflective waistcoat-thingies (bet you didn’t know this was the official name!) that you wear so that you can be seen in the dark and pinned down by car headlights in the same manner as a deer stands frozen and visible in front of the hunters’ truck lights.

Sunday was the shortest day of the year, so that means lots of darkness and very little light. In fact, it has been pretty dark nearly all the time this month, with the sun rising at about 8 am and then dusk engulfing us already before 3 pm. That’s when it’s good to have a reflective vest thingy on: better pinned in the glare of the headlights than pinned to the pavement by a car that just didn’t see us on the walk back from school!

I think the months just went and got all muddled up! You see, November is normally grey and dismal, while December delights with its snow. However,  November looked like this:


It charmed us with its snow and lots of glorious sunshine (around 60 hours in November). October shone with 100 hours of sunshine that month whereas December … well, December has been sent into the naughty corner with a dunce’s hat on its head. Normally, we get only 33 hours of sunshine this month – but with the snow, you just don’t notice as everything seems all white and light and fluffy.

This month the sun has been away on holiday – somewhere that isn’t here. Can you guess how many hours we have had this month so far?

Go on!



A measly SEVEN hours!

No wonder we’re all losing our sanity!

11 thoughts on “Reflect-ions

  1. Ah ha! But it is all uphill from here, after today each day gets slightly longer. Thank goodness!!!

    I am wishing for spring, thats all.



  2. Like bluefish, i too miss the snow. But i’m not sure i could survive without the sun. 😦 According to the adverts on CNN Egypt is “the land that gave you the sun.” So i’m sorry we took it back. Did you guys pay your sun bill!? :p


  3. Sun has alot to do with good moods. Your world over there doesn’t look much different from ours over here!
    I left you a little something over on my blog. Stop on by!


  4. Yes, sun is essential and we don’t realize it until it returns, and then we feel cheerier and more buoyant…wishing you happy holidays, and MORE sun soon!


  5. Beautiful photo! I must admit, I’m a bit afraid of walking in the dark. Have tons of those reflective vests but rarely use them as I rarely walk in the dark, which might make you ask, when do you walk then in Norway in the winter? Well, let me put it this way, I can walk with someone but not alone…so with Stig home now we’ve had some lovely winter night time walks…something about tons of snow on the ground, a full moon, and everything lights up in a very special way….who needs that darn blasted sunshine???………ok, I do…but still, there is something special about life here in the North without very much sunshine….I can now say I understand how a Bear can hibernate in the winter…never understood that one until I lived here….


  6. Mum loves the sunshine. She doesn’t mind cold. Her favourite weather is freezing cold, blue skies and sunshine. That always means really long hikes because neither of us get overheated. We loved the snow photo. Trouble is, when it’s snowy I end up with hard balls of it attached to my fur, then I looke like as if I’ve been decorated with christmas baubles and all my pals laugh at me.


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