September daze

There is something glorious about the late September light.

It warms the heart

And lights up unexpected autumn cameos

In hidden pockets of the woods.

It unfurls ribbons of water

Inviting you to take a dip if you’re brave enough;

And, on the last day of September,

Its glorious golden rays turn the woods into a painting

That speaks of children climbing in the trees

All the way up to the sky

To touch that lovely light

And spread it to the world like laughter.

For more cameos, please visit: Our World.

90 thoughts on “September daze

  1. Such a lovely, peaceful looking place! I, too, love the season and its colorful beauty! Breathtaking captures and the perfect words as always, Ladyfi! Hope your week is off to a great start! Enjoy!



  2. oh wow…loving that tree climbing picture….i love this time of year as well….to be among the trees and water in the crisp air…i love it…


  3. Such a wonderful ode to September – in words and photos, Fi. This line especially tugs at my heart:

    “That speaks of children climbing in the trees

    All the way up to the sky

    To touch that lovely light

    And spread it to the world like laughter”

    Which photo to choose as a favorite? I can’t – impossible!


  4. I love the golden light in that shot of the maple treelet beside the huge boulder!! Especially the shadow behind the leaf!!
    And the view of the dog swimming in the water! I love the ripples of water, and the vast blueness surrounding her!


  5. Such beautiful words and pictures, and beyond that, a beautiful way of looking at the world. I see that someone way up there in the comments wants to live where you live. I believe that is a state of mind that you carry with you!


  6. Wonderful captures LadyFi.

    I did have to laugh at the girl climbing the tree. Our kids love to do that, but the trees up here are not very climb-friendly. I think our gang would enjoy your part of the world.


  7. oh my, these are all exquisite photos, but my fave is the second. the light!!! the glow!!! you’ve captured autumn in your unique, gorgeous way. happy day to you Fiona.


  8. You always have such stunning photos posted, I am never disappointed when I stop by our place. Your Golden is one lucky dog to be out swimming as often as he/she is. My girls always enjoy a good swim in the bay, ocean, creek or even a mud puddle.


  9. I like late September light as the strong sunlight starts getting soften at last in my corner of the world, I enjoyed your awesome photography and narrative as always. I felt like the laughter resonating in my mind when finishing reading the post.


  10. Lovely poetry and again amazing shots – It feels like walking in somebody’s story and I can even hear children laughing.


  11. Such a fantastic turn of words:

    “That speaks of children climbing in the trees
    All the way up to the sky
    To touch that lovely light
    And spread it to the world like laughter.”

    I drove back and forth across our state this week and was totally dazzled by the warm Autumn light.


  12. Indeed, September has that undefined beauty of summer and autumn simultaneously. It is the month of that subtle transition, when the platinum light of summer turns into gold.
    Lovely sentiments to ponder when September is a memory only and October almost over.;)
    And of course, lovely photography as always.


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