Meet our tripawd

Meet our new tripawd, Dissa! (She’s approx. 2 years old.)

She is a sweet rescue dog from Russia

And she’s already settling in nicely into this crazy household.

(Just call me a crazy dog lady!)

We don’t really know what happened to her,

But her rear left leg couldn’t be saved, which is why she now has three legs.

But that doesn’t stop this little girl:

She can run faster than any dog I’ve ever met!

In other news, my precious girl Ruby turned 12:

Here she is with her birthday stick.

(She’s a low maintenance kind of girl!)

For more smiles, please visit: Our World and Skywatch.

45 thoughts on “Meet our tripawd

  1. Hello
    Dissa looks like a sweet dog, I am glad she has a happy home now. Happy Birthday to Ruby!
    Take care, have a great new week!


  2. OMG, Dissa is ADDORABLE! What sweet eyes!

    And bless you for rescuing her. She looks so happy 🙂

    Happy Birthday, Ruby!

    Have a great week, my friend!


  3. This post brought not only smiles but also a little of tears to me; I was moved by Dissa. She’s so sweet and has beautiful eyes. Happy birthday to Ruby!



  4. Ah! These dogs are so wonderful! Their precious faces and great generous spirits! I love to see a three-legged dog just tear into life like nothing at all is amiss. xoxo


  5. How kind of the birthday girl to share her ball! Some lovely images to come of your trio, I expect! [Helen]


  6. Lady Fi – bless you for taking in this sweet dog. Our neighbor used to have a dog called Lucky – someone had cut off its tail sometime during its life …


  7. aww good on you taking on a new pet, we’ve just taken on one of our neighbour’s 2 cats after she died.


  8. That first picture is of a dog that knows its 3 feet have landed in a good place!

    Cheers – Stewart M – Melbourne


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