Spring salsa

As always, spring is doing the salsa:

One step back … to snow;

And two steps forward:

To vibrant spring flowers.

Mornings are still cold enough for a winter jacket

As the sun rises —

And forest art is left out

For all creatures to enjoy.

For more spring (or autumn) sauce, please visit: Our World and Skywatch.

49 thoughts on “Spring salsa

  1. LOVE these shots, Fiona! Particularly the final one. I bet those pine branches smelled wonderful!

    It’s been the same here in the States. Many states are getting bipolar weather conditions. One day spring, the next day winter. My friend in South Dakota just got a snow storm.

    Have a beautiful week, my friend! 🙂


  2. Hello,

    Lovely images and sweet dogs. Love the sunrise and the forest art. Take care, have a happy week!


  3. Beautiful flowers and frosty dogs! Our spring has definitely taken a step back as we’ve had lots of snow lately. The good part is that it melts quickly and is absorbed by the thirsty ground.


  4. The Spring season always likes to provide us with a selection of weather 🙂
    Here in the UK we’ve had dry days, wet days, sunny days, snowy days and even hail days.
    Oh well, it keeps us on our toes!

    Lovely photographs on your post.

    All the best Jan


  5. Fin text och fina bilder!
    Idag visar verkligen April vad begreppet Aprilväder innebär… Tror jag stannar inne idag och hoppas det blir lite bättre framöver. Vill inte ha snö så här på våren.


  6. Living in the tropics, it is such a joy to see the golden tulips and the dusting of snowflakes on your special mate. {Helen}


  7. Lady Fi – yep, we’re doing that dance in Montana! I love the turn of phrase … so appropriate! I always enjoy your lovely models – I am sure you “pay” them well! Enjoy your weekend!


  8. Who did the forest art? You? We are doing that spring/winter dance, too. Snow squalls yesterday. Sun and 60 F (15 C) today. Cha cha cha.


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