Spot the …

Ruby loves to play hide-and-seek

Among the trees –


While Simmie says

Peekaboo with snow.


What about this photo –

Can you spot the dog?


What about now? Only teasing –

I think this is a fox we spotted in the field.


It was lying down in the snow and got up with difficulty.

It was much bigger than Simmie so, at first, I thought it was a wolf.

We looked at each other for a long time – each of us not so different from the other.

Then we went our separate ways.


For more furry and non-furry shots, please visit: Our World.


57 thoughts on “Spot the …

  1. So pretty (Ruby, Simmie, AND the snow)….. I am glad to see the same or similar picture here as you put on the OW shot last week. Your pictures and words there always make me smile when I go to link up.


  2. Stellar captures, Fiona! Brava! I love the natural and candidness in each of these images! Love them all, but that first one of Ruby playing hide-and-seek is so precious. Love the ones of the fox too!

    Thanks for sharing the beauty, my friend! Have a grrrrreat week! 🙂


  3. You have built-in entertainment every time you go for a walk. Whatever will they do when the snow is gone? How wonderful you encountered a fox (from an appropriate distance). They are such elegant creatures! Have a super week!


  4. Mysterious animals…and your beautiful dogs…make for a great blog post, Fi. The snow is pretty much gone here…for now. In Alberta, it is possible to have snow right through Spring and out the other side.
    Hugs to you, your family, and of course the dogs.
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel


  5. Beautiful dog and magnificent wintry photos ~ love the fox ~ glad your dog didn’t bother with it ~

    Happy Days to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


  6. Oh, it is a fox! So cute! But, it is difficult to distinguish it from your dogs. The hair colors are similar.


  7. What a beautiful world! I love your dogs — and boy do they love the snow! And the fox — we don’t have these running wild here. I would be thrilled to see one in person!


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