Molten gold

One chilly morning, the fog lay like

A silken scarf across the cemetery.


The church rose out of the golden mist

Like a ship riding on misty waves.


A caretaker’s van looked

Picturesque against the burnished sky;


And oh, the trees!

They floated in that sky of molten gold!


I’ll only be posting once this week as it gets crazy busy in the run-up to Christmas.

For more golden moments, please visit: Our World.

And don’t forget Skywatch.

91 thoughts on “Molten gold

  1. Your photos are beautiful, Fi. What an amazing part of the world you live in…those incredible skies.
    I have a post all ready for Our World and am hoping to get it in tonight instead of tomorrow morning.
    Thanks for being there. Your meme is the only one I’m following right now, and I always love it.
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

    Liked by 1 person

  2. *applause and cheers*

    Fiona….these images are BEYOND stunning! OMG….they took my breath away! The way you captured the golden light through the low hanging fog is amazing!

    “the fog lay like

    A silken scarf across the cemetery.”

    Loved how you said that!

    Thanks so much for sharing the beauty of where you live, my friend. Have a grrrreat week!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m not sure what I enjoyed more Fiona, the images or your words, both glorious! Here’s wishing yourself and famille a wonderful Christmas ✨


  4. Dear Lady Fi, what gloriously atmospheric captures you share with us – these are fabulous and truly draw one into the scene. Thank you so much for the wonderful images you bring us throughout the year and for your hosting. May you and yours experience a meaningful and joy-filled Christmas and may 2018 bring you good health.


  5. Dear Fiona!
    May this Christmas bring you
    Everlasting Happiness and Peace
    Success in whatever you do
    Prosperity to you and your family
    Fill your home with joy and spirit.
    Merry Christmas.


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