74 thoughts on “Daydreaming

  1. Both your words and photograph are STUNNING, Fiona! WOW…what a gorgeous sky!

    I have to admit, I’m not a big fan of summer, however, I’m learning how to embrace it more and enjoy it’s beauty 🙂

    Thanks for sharing, my friend. Have a lovely weekend! X


  2. some snow? i heard at the meteo that the temperatures were higher in sweden than in greece… but the weather changes from a day to the next one!


  3. And where the seasons are as different as night and day. Dreaming of summer, brings out the child in all of us. And in late summer, more than a few dream of a snowy landscape; if one is honest.


  4. I found your blog very intresting and impressive your pictures collection words and the way you write really amazing. thank you for sharing your words and memries. love your blog posts.. keep in touch .keep share moments


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