85 thoughts on “Lilac wonder

  1. Thank you for sharing your riches with us – gold, lavender, and pink, Fiona. According to Pantone, that legislates design color for the year, deep lavender is THE color for 2017, so they say.


  2. Beautiful soft colours and reflections. You are so lucky to live where you do near the water. It is a lovely spot and you get so many gorgeous photos of the light there. Thanks for sharing. Pam


  3. I so love how you used words, Fiona!

    “Autumn makes me rich

    As it leaves its golden coins on the shore of the lake.”

    What a beautiful description!

    Your images are just stunning! The colors….WOW!

    Have a lovely weekend, my friend!


  4. Gorgeous scenes Fi – thank you for sharing your surroundings and your photographic skills. How greatly blessed we are to have sight to be able to soak up images such as these! Wishing you a marvellous week ahead.


  5. Beautiful. I was startled at the lilac and green afternoon skies when we were in the Arctic. I suppose it has something to do with the angle of the sun’s rays. It’s very pretty anyway. 🙂


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