Oh, that golden light!

Sometimes it’s worth setting the alarm for 4.30 in the morning

In order to capture the magical, golden sunburst

Of sunrise over the Manhattan skyline.

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(Photos taken in Hoboken Park, New Jersey, last week.

This week, it’s back to snow in Sweden.)

For more magical photos, please visit: Skywatch.

78 thoughts on “Oh, that golden light!

  1. Hello, Definitely a good reason for being up early. Gorgeous captures of the golden light. I like the sweet dog too. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and weekend ahead!


  2. I get up every morning at 5:30 for a workout… everytime I wish I’d brought my camera to take pictures of the beautiful sunrise… there’s something about the sweet innocent fresh mornings in spring… love your pictures! sorry about the snow,!


  3. Glorious, and I mean GLORIOUS shots of the Manhattan skyline, Fiona. WOW…the golden light you captured is magnificent!

    And it’s funny how you mentioned getting up at 4:30 AM in order to capture the early morning golden light, because one day this week I did the same thing. I literally woke up at 4:30 and could not go back to sleep. And instead of just lying there in bed, I got up, made some coffee, and then looked out my apartment windows on the 21st floor and watched the sun rise over the city. And that is so not usual for me because I am so not a morning person.

    Have a great weekend, my friend!


  4. Absolutely magical. I can never decide if I like morning light or evening light better. As you say, sometimes its worth setting the alarm to get out early and revel in the golden glory of the dawn.


  5. Absolutely worth it for images like this Fiona.. meanwhile at this time of year it’s still pitch black at 4.30am.. I miss the light already 🙂


  6. buongiorno cara, è bellissima la frase che hai scelto come introduzione al tuo blog… proprio vero, noi siamo costruiti della materia dei sogni, come diceva Shakespeare! e le tue immagini sono la realtà del sogno


  7. Talk about ‘golden light’!! Kudos for the shots AND for getting up so early… The ferry from Hoboken to Manhattan is a great ride; hope you got a chance to take it.


  8. Manhattan looks especially beautiful on a lovely dawn morning–all the sunlight reflects from the many windows like diamonds!


  9. It’s 4:30 or bust for yellow. Four am for blue, and 4:15 for purplish blush. And for those who need their beauty sleep, your stuck with the light of day, the magic has already passed you by. Thank you for going the z’s as always you are the Mistress of Light.


  10. If the truth be told, its almost always worth setting the alarm for early in the morning – its just that I cant bring myself to do it!

    Nice shots.

    Cheers – Stewart M – Melbourne


  11. The only way I’m very willing to get up at 5:30 for *anything*—even something so magically gorgeous—is if I know I can soon go back to bed and recover! Far better to leave it in your oh-so-skillful hands to share the dawn with us all and wake up late to enjoy it. 😉 Thanks!! xo


  12. Golden light; I tried to capture it this morning… but its like trying to grasp the wind. You can sort of get it, but nothing like it really is.
    Springtime in Queensland is out of this world. I see things you cannot


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