Amazonian beauty

The botanical gardens in Stockholm

Have a round greenhouse, and every year,

If you’re lucky – you can see the world’s largest water lily,

Victoria Amazonica, in bloom.

Upside down

The large domed roof of the greenhouse

Filters the light so that the room

Is filled with a magical green.

Magical green

Some of the lilies were

Just peeking out of their pods


While others had already unfurled

Into petalled perfection.

White lily copy

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80 thoughts on “Amazonian beauty

  1. The Victoria WaterLilies are amazing! Their giant leaves look like saucers and their fkowers are so large and beautiful. How lovely that you saw them!


  2. These are absolutely magnificent. I love how the light in some of them shines through, such luminescence.I’ve seen similar ones on the island of Mauritius.


  3. Oh, these are so beautiful indeed and your captures are superb indeed!! What giants they are!!! Hope you have a great new week!! Enjoy!


  4. I’m drooling over these shots. I forget what camera you’re using, but I really think it’s just your eye – your compositions are so wonderful. The macro of the white lily is 😍.


  5. Oh my gosh Fiona, even the size of the lily pads, amaaazing! What a glorious sight it must be when all the lilies burst open at once. Gorgeous photos.


  6. You took such beautiful photos. The composition and the colors are just absolutely gorgeous. Your photos remind me of Asia, where I was born and lived for many years. These are one of my favorite flowers. They are simple yet complex.


  7. reminds me of our ny botanical gardens lotus/lily ponds .. the flower you show unfurling, is in fact a lotus, i know this because i posted a photo of that flower in our ny pond labeled it water lily and was told it was a lotus … 🙂


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