Doing the salsa

Winter is at its best during early spring.

Bright snow

After days of warmth,

A fresh snowfall looks so pretty.

Dogs in snow

The hazel flowers covered in ice

Captured my imagination.

Icy hazel

Spring is about taking two steps back

And one step forward —

So we may as well enjoy the spring salsa.


Just like Ruby

And Simson (that’s him goofing around in the background) do.

Goofing off

For more spring dancing, please visit: Our World.

94 thoughts on “Doing the salsa

  1. oh they are so sweet …. and here too its one step forward and two steps back weather wise .. and April just a day away


  2. Ruby and Simson are so cute in the winterland landscapes and *_* yep…you’re right:
    Let’s have salsa:
    “Spring, spring
    two step back,
    Spring, Spring
    one step forward
    two steps rainy…
    one step sunny;
    keep the rhythm…
    in Spring the salsa…” ( 🙂 What about my lyrics? Aren’t they funny? 🙂 …)


  3. Your spring is so different from mine. The back-and-forth of seasons usually happens most here in autumn (as it is right now) and I try not to be too frustrated about it 🙂


  4. Oh I love that photo with Simson goofing. Daisy loves to roll on the snow too. It’s the same here. It was warm a few days ago, and today, we woke up with some ice and a bit of snow. Salsa it is.


  5. “Spring is about taking two steps back

    And one step forward —

    So we may as well enjoy the spring salsa.”

    Fiona, I love how you said that! Spring salsa…so clever!

    Beeeeautiful photographs! And I like that you’re still posting images of snow even though it’s spring, because you know me…I’m a snow lover!

    That final shot of the dogs made me smile and laugh because that’s exactly what I like to do after it snows…roll in it!

    Happy Monday, my friend!


  6. Beautiful and I do love them all, particularly Ruby and Simson!! They look just like my son’s dog, Mojo!! Always fun to see the beautiful pics of your world!!! Thank you for sharing! Hope you’re having a great week!! Thanks for all you do for Our World!!


  7. Ruby and Simson seem to really enjoy the snow! Your weather is like ours her ein Colorado. We have sun and warmth for a week and then snow and cold the next week. It makes life interesting!
    PS: I know what you mean about animals in zoos. I feel the same way. Most of the enclosures in the zoo we visited were large and had a natural setting, but it’s not total freedom like the wild.


  8. It does sometimes feel like forward and back doesn’t it although here I think we are marching right thru spring to dry summer. Lovely photos of the fresh snow and the goofy dogs! Okay Ruby is too refined to be goofy but still.


  9. Gorgeous images as always, Lady Fi.
    Happy Spring! Here’s wishing you and your lovelies nice warm days and lots of sunshine.


  10. As always, your pictures are full of light and beauty. Sorry for the long break but life has been a bit..complicated as it will be. 😉
    Cheers, Danette


  11. Beautiful pictures and words, the dogs are quite obviously enjoying themselves. Hope you have a good week,


  12. Another snowfall …. wow, you have to wait a long time before spring arrives. Great series again, Fiona. I love to see your dogs in the snow. I think they enjoy it. I hope “your” spring will arrive soon. Happy Easter. Greetings, Joke


  13. Our first golden loved to jump up with the kids on the big rock along our city trail. Our lab also learnt to jump up but didn’t like it as much. Our second golden is too goofy to sit still for that long and is a klutz. I find it amazing how many good photos you have with both of them — I can never seem to manage to get them both sitting and looking in the same direction. I love that early season swim — ours did this a couple of weeks ago but it was a warmish day so no steaming but still a wet mess at the back door!
    Enjoy your photos and your poetry.


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