Snow sprinkles

This is a winter’s tail

(Excuse the pun!) 

Winter's tail

A tale of how snow decorates

And transforms.


How the bare bones of winter

Have their own stark beauty.


The woods have a deep magic —

Although it helps to have a sweet Rottweiler puppy in the picture too!

Puppy in snow copy

And here, a lone wooden cottage

Seems to be bathing in snow kisses.

Little house copy

There’s more s-now business like snow business over at: Our World Tuesday.

86 thoughts on “Snow sprinkles

  1. Great attention to de tail (pun very much intended) 🙂

    I love the Narnia-like winter landscape and mourn its absence this year. You’ve created poetry yet again with your photos.


  2. I love your “winters tail”!! The snow is beautiful and terrific captures as always!! Magical snow shots they are indeed!! Hope you have a great new week! Stay warm!!


  3. sì, c’è sempre qualcosa di magico nella neve…
    adoro il tuo cane, sempre protagonista delle tue splendide immagini
    notte felice lady
    Yes, there is always something magical in the snow …
    I love your dog, always protagonist of your beautiful images
    happy lady night


  4. The perspective distortion of the flakes against the red wall, now those are snow kisses. This morning while driving to work, there was snow squall. The flakes were the largest I have seen this winter.


  5. You are young enough to still enjoy being out and experiencing the snow I am old and prefer to enjoy its beauty but not spend too much time in it. Brrrr! I did find that my camera kept fogging over when I was attempting to take photos!


  6. I’m jealous, all I’ve had this winter is snow bullets, frozen slush and wind driven rain.

    Not as much fun as snow.



  7. Dearest ladyfi;
    Beautiful winter scene♡♡♡  I loved the phrase ”Seems to be bathing in snow kisses.”♬♬♬
    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*


  8. Hi ladyfi, i smiled at the first comment, “great attention to de-tail, pun intended”, i will also follow the trend. Your de-tail-ing photo essay is so beautiful, much more to me who hasn’t experienced winter yet. It is is tail-or fit for me!


  9. our snow melted .. well a lot of it did .. the park still has a lot … but none of it looks as lovely as the snow you have


  10. Another stunning winter wonderland series , very nice photos
    I have missed this last winter in Holland, some frost or some snow, we had only rain and wind..


  11. Ladyfi, Your photos are such a great way to wake up. I’ve really enjoyed catching up. You have certainly captured a deep magic in these photos.


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