65 thoughts on “Snow face

  1. Wow! The squirrel is adorable… Oscar’s face shows how much he loves snow. Have a great time in fashion city – Paris 🙂

    Happy Easter


  2. Gorgeous photo of Oscar. Lindy likes to get snow on her face, too, and after too much snooping around in the snow, her black nose gets a pink spot on it, too. We asked the veterinarian about it and he said, “Oh, it’s nothing, it’s just Snow Nose.”
    Have a super time in Paris, where it might even be Spring.


  3. Photos of Oscar and the one of the chubby cheeked squirrel are wonderful…helped brighten my day. Paris, huh? Have a nice safe trip.


  4. Oscar looks as if he has his own plans for decorating his bad hair! And it looks as if he has had a few attempts too! Gorgeous photo of his face! And what a cute squirrel!


  5. I can’t help smiling at an attractively round cute squirrel and a cool Oscar!
    Hope you’ll enjoy the trip to Paris.


  6. Oh, I adore your squirrel friend! What a wonderful photo!

    And Oscar’s handsomeness, which I didn’t think could get any more fabulous, is indeed enhanced with a bit of sparkle. 🙂

    By the way, I just saw this article this morning and immediately thought of you and Oscar, who clearly has a dopplegänger named Champ! That third photo especially looks like one of yours. Thought you’d enjoy seeing it when you have time!


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