130 thoughts on “Chandeliers in the sky

  1. Your photos are like a balm to my eyes right now. I was just reading the latest chapter of Zadie Smith’s novel NW at work during my lunch hour and something happens to a dog. And… well, I can’t put it into words. It made me very upset. It’s also very well written, probably why I got so upset. It’s a relief to see your dog playing in the snow! 🙂

    Greetings from London.


  2. It’s absolutely Beautiful Fiona. In my little African mind I always associate blue skies with shimmering heat, not with this kind of cold beauty.


  3. Just glistening! Beautiful images in this winter season the country is having right now. Love the contrast with the green and white trees side by side. BTW…thank you for your comforting words on the memorial post this morning it is so appreciated.


  4. Gorgeous, clear winter skies and Oscar is undoubtedly enjoying a great nap in the snow!! A paradise indeed!! You are surrounded by so much beauty! Hope your week is going well!


  5. It does look like Paradise! Most people aren’t lucky enough to have ‘crystal chandeliers’ in their very own yard (or, in fact, lucky enough to SEE them there in the first place and talented enough to share them with the rest of us!) Thanks.


  6. Oh don’t you love it when nature puts on a show like that for you
    Winter has its own very special kind of beauty
    thanks for asking, yes the weather has been wild in these parts but we are ok


  7. These are amazing and as one of my daughters taught me to say…fantastical too! Cannot believe the dog would bask in the sun with so much snow. We have a spot of snow this morning, but sure would love to view something as majestic as your scenes~


  8. Love the snow shots, the first one in particular the composition of the tracks and the sun bathing dog! I am wondering what camera you are using.
    But appreciate that it is your eye for the subject that counts! Thanks for the nice automatic detail filler below!


  9. You and me caught the same beauty recently, although I have to admit, your natural chandeliers are absolutely enchanting and much more beautiful then mine.;)
    Have a great week ahead and stay warm.;)


  10. Thank you so much for these wonderful snow pictures…we have not had any snow this year. And thank you for being a blogger and sharing your pictures with the world, it makes us all better humans when we share. I like your blog so much and looks like many many others also like it here!! It is a small blog world that we wander around in.


  11. Oh stop it! Isn’t there one, just one, awful sight in your part of the world? How can anything be so consistently lovely?


  12. Hello Ladyfi.
    Thanks for your comment.
    The snow has been melting here – right away.
    Night before yesterday we got back a little sprinkle snow – approx. 2 cm.
    Wish you a good Sunday 🙂 Hanne Bente


    I can’t help but notice that smaller tree looks as if you captured a gigantic snowflake. 🙂
    Oscar sure seems content in his magical surroundings.


  14. Well, I do not know how I could possibly add to what has already been said, but in addition to the exquisite trees with a background of perfect blue skies, you have captured “man’s best friend” enjoying the winter wonderland!



  15. Just plain stunning!

    Skywatch will continue. Alan of Yogi’s Den is good with doing the regular posting and creating the linking hub with Inlinkz. He’s a great person, so this is good news. I will be in the background as necessary.

    My dad took a fall last week, and a few other family matters engulfed me, so it was time to make good on my longtime promise to myself to leave this in someone else’s hands.


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