Beautiful imperfection

The crocuses come early – even before the snows have finished.

Some are lovely in their vibrant perfection,

Round cups that fill with light.

They are here to remind us that spring is near.

But my favourite crocuses are the ones

That speak of the struggle to push up through the soil;

They are covered in earth;

They are tatty and battered

But there is a fierce beauty

In their vulnerability

As they gracefully bow down like petalled lampshades.

They are here to remind us of life:

Our fragility, our broken wings, our beauty.

For more imperfect perfection, please visit: Our World.

105 thoughts on “Beautiful imperfection

  1. but they are fiercely beautiful…i like to think that of people as well…those you can look at and they are just struggling to push through…yeah there is beauty there as well…sometimes we have to remind them of it…


  2. Excellent attention to detail, focal depth of field, and color. Marvelous photography skills you have. As usual, the words, while minimalist, convey the emotion of spirit of the photos. Well done.


  3. Fiona, this is lovely! How often do we humans feel the same way. We are so connected in many ways.


  4. Beautiful shots of the crocuses. I also particularly like spring flowers that show the struggle they have been through to rise up through the elements.


  5. Fiona, I get what you mean when you speak of a fierce beauty in their vulnerability. I can see that. Beautiful to look at.


  6. Great macro shots Fi…are they different types of crocuses? I have the all purple kind in my garden but I love the striped ones 🙂


  7. Just glorious. Though snowdrops are out on this side of the world – three months early.


  8. They are perfect – in any and every state. As are your photographs and thoughts! (And on a prosaic level, I really loved seeing them, because crocuses (croci?) are yet another spring flower that we don’t get in Florida (but used to have when we lived in Oregon.)


  9. Lovely as usual! I especially like the white and purple striped. I’ll have to see if I can find that one as I would like to have that in my yard. They are determined, but well worth the effort when they reveal that kind of beauty.


  10. they are beautiful
    all of them but the ones that struggle do have an extra light about them

    wonderful post


  11. Those crocusses look nice Fi. All early spring flowers look nice with their promise of warmer weather and sunshine, I think – Dave


  12. Crocii are my favourite…love the Siberian type….I now have many many pictures! Surprise!


  13. Crocuses are wonderful. I like to see them arrive usually when there is still snow on the ground. A sure sign that Spring is n’t too far away.


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