68 thoughts on “Lessons from the leaves

  1. Love your capture as always! Definitely encouraging words — having just had a birthday a couple of months ago myself! The colorful leaves here in Seattle are the one thing that can lift the spirit every day — well, while they last and fortunately, we still some, too, in spite of the strong winds lately! Hope you have a great weekend!



  2. great capture… first by the falling orange leaf finding it’s way to a pretty blue place to hang out, second and most important by your great eye ~ i love this shot 🙂


  3. The clothesline is holding on for dear life as winter fast approaches….not letting that leaf go at any cost!
    I hear you are getting unseasonably warm temps this late fall…read it in the newspapers here..enjoy it!


  4. I’d like to get older like leaves, burning the last flame of life at its peak and then get muted with time to tarnish and become the part of the soil finally. Your photo and the quote remind me of that.


  5. Lovely! Most of our color is gone around the yard, but I know that after hunting season, I can go into the woods and hear the beech trees sing.


  6. Very beautiful.. isn’t it amazing how a lone leaf attracts the eye to otherwise mundane places.. turning them into beautiful eye-candy. This is a great shot.

    Thanks for your comment on my blog. I will indeed include that post as a POTW on Wednesday as your recommendation.


  7. Now I can see red maple leaves around here but I can also see new buds in cherry trees. And my birthday visits me faster, too.
    Have a great week!


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