Doing what he does best

No matter how cold it gets,

In frost or snow,

Oscar is always ready to dive into rainbows

And swim in waters of reflected skies of blue.

After all, there’s nothing more satisfying than

Doing what you love.

For more adorable creatures, please visit: Camera Critters.

89 thoughts on “Doing what he does best

  1. Oh, he’s so beautiful! Looks so much like my youngest sons dog and she is the same way about the water and swimming. Such a delight to watch! I always try to match her and my dog, Sams joyful living! Hope you and your family and Oscar have a wonderful weekend, Lady Fi!



  2. Hands
    at the breast,
    hind legs
    stretched like an arrow,
    he leaps
    in his Freestyle
    into the blue.

    the blue of the clouds,
    the floating white
    stroking by,
    the sharp green
    with the leaves applauding
    his stance.

    No Speedos
    and body suits,
    but a luxuriant
    royal brown,
    An Oscar,
    fit for a king.
    Eat your heart out
    Michael Phleps nd Alexander Popov….


  3. What a wonderful, beautiful, enthusiastic camera-critter Oscar is! I always love to see photos of him.

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel


  4. That last photo – it looks like Oscar is diving into the sky! What great action shots, Fi. Glad Oscar is wearing that fur coat (brrrr).


  5. I’m afraid you’re going to have to delete the first photo because it is simply too good.
    O M G !
    Went to a photography lecture a couple of days ago where they talked about the decisive moment / Cartier Bresson –
    talk about decisive moment – and artistry – here!


  6. At the risk of sounding repetitive with each post of yours, but… Outstanding! Your eyes and skill for capturing just the right focal depth and color, along with a fantastic frame for the shot are astounding. A camera in your hands is a blessing to the rest of us. Great artistry Lady Fi.


  7. Back again to view Oscar and tell you this: your name came up at an early supper here in CO. I told my husband about you and about Oscar (and the children, of course) and this particular shot. I said that your “real” jobs were not as photographer but that your talent surely must also shine in those other important jobs: mother, wife, friend, teacher… My husband and I were having the discussion about how the internet has opened communication to the World. I thought of you immediately – how much I’d be missing without your photos and words. Just thought it worth the telling, Fi – a world away, someone you’ve never met thinks you have a very special talent.


  8. Fantastic shot of Oscar doing what he loves. And I know if my Max was there… he would dive right into that beautiful lake. You just can’t keep a golden out of the water, regardless what the weather is like. 🙂


  9. Dear Fi: As always you have impressed me with your camera-ready talent! That first shot is amazing!! And the second one is too… Well, YOUR ENTIRE BLOG FOR THAT MATTER!! Today out of curiosity I visited some of your fans’ blogs- It’s was a pleasure to see how different style bloggers end up here, admiring the beauty of your photography, your magical word, and of course LOVING OSCAR!!
    I hope someday I get to visit you. I would love to sit by the lake and watch you in action… hugs


  10. Wow, Oscar such a beautiful dog and you have captured him wonderfully. The second photograph is outstanding. It’s like he’s jumping into the sky.


  11. Your pictures are always so beautiful and inspiring Fi, but the ones of Oscar really warm my heart. He is always such a joy to see.


  12. Oh, what great captures.;) Your image are always such a true testimony of the simple pleasures in life. I love them endlessly…
    Trying to catch up after my involuntary blogging absence.;)


  13. Awwwww, Oscar looks just like Tiger the Wonder Dog who met his demise early this summer. Our Pepper ‘Nipper’ has a long way to go baby, she’s quite the spirited little lady! Heeehehehe!

    As always your pictures take my breath away!

    God bless ya and have an extraordinary day sweetie!!!!

    (I just returned from Brownsville Texas…I’m callin’ it my ‘workcation’. My Mama has many needs!)


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