Dancing in the dark

My neighbours are used to seeing me out with my camera in all states of dress (and undress).

So, it was no surprise when the next-door neighbour phoned to tell me that there was an interesting sky outside.

We rushed up the hill to see an eerie glow set the water alight with a purple fire.

The key to photographing sunsets is to wait

And listen to the music of nature

While the sky unfolds itself in colour.

And, if we’re paying close attention, we can learn from children

Who know how to dance in the dark

Long before adults tell them that there is no music.

For more dancing skies, please visit: Skywatch.

95 thoughts on “Dancing in the dark

  1. Whenever I wake up and it’s still dark, I think of you going out to the lake with your camera to capture the surrounding beauty. I also think of you when the sun sets, because only you seem to be able to grasp it’s colors!!.
    To know your neighbors even call you to let you know is just AWESOME… and I am SPEECHLESS with today’s sky!!! It’s simple F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S, Fi!!!!!!!!!!!
    I love that your daughter enjoys sharing time with you and dances with nature’s songs. May she never outgrow this!


  2. Magnificent photos! Stunning contrast of color and silhouette. You’ve got a great eye for framing a shot.

    Your daughter is lovely. I especially enjoy and agree with your words about learning from children. We all need to step back once in a while and try to recapture the simple joy and wonder that children innately possess. Thank you for sharing these.


  3. Glorious skies and colors and what a fantastic way to end the day! Love the shots of your beautiful daughter! You always have the perfect words, Lady Fi to accent the beauty! Hope you and your family have a wonderful evening and a great weekend! Thank you as always for your support of Sky Watch and Our World!



  4. I’m glad you rushed out to get these pictures. The first photo is a work of art, but I really like the second photo with the silhouette of your daughter. I can almost feel the joy she’s expressing.


  5. wow those first two pics are just amazing…so cool that your neighbor brought it to your attention as well…the second is my fav…i love hanging out with kids…so much we can learn from them….


  6. What a magnificent set of photographs. I’m glad you neighbors let you know to go out. I can relate about being out in various states of undress to take pictures. My neighborhood is used to me doing that too.


  7. Phenomenal color–and such wonderful images of your daughter (you should frame both, but especially the jumping for joy for her; a bulwark against the age of doubt. May she be among the lucky and never doubt…)
    Thank you.


  8. You have obviously trained your neighbors well, Fi. To watch a child greet the sun and sing its praise is quite satisfying to me. I sometimes see that purple glow over my mountains, but to see it staining your lake is awesome!


  9. When you said, “Children, who know how to dance in the dark” I immediately thought of my babies dancing even as they first stood, clutching my fingers, bouncing up and down in joy. No music to be found. So true that they stop dancing as they grow older when adults tell them there is no music. Beautiful pictures as always!


  10. This Friday I look at your beautiful sky full of light and color to expect from a good weekend.
    Skies and beautiful colors as well as your photos.
    Greetings .-


  11. I love that your neighbours are now prompting you to photograph the sky!!! And a magnificent sky it is too. The second photo, of your daughter in silhouette, is just beautiful. Wishing you a lovely weekend.


  12. Just enjoying the posts I’ve missed in the last few days, had to look twice to spot the child climbing the tree, excellent shot, and Oscar bringing home the stick, love it !! You’re right about sunsets, they can change dramatically in the space of minutes, the colours in these are magic.Wanted to say thanks Ladyfi for your good vibes over the last few days, much appreciated. Hope you have a fab weekend.


  13. Your blog is so AWESOME!!!! Who has time to “get dressed” when there is a gorgeous sunset waiting to be seen.!!! The photo with the girl’s silhouette is absolutely amazing and truly an inspiration to look at. What joy there is in the world. Wonderful post, as always. Have a lovely weekend, my friend. Mickie 🙂


  14. Listening and observing nature’s change of colors & patterns…being patient yet also letting loose to dance when inspired.
    All part of life’s pleasurable balance.


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