Taking the Mickey

As you know, I spent last week at Disneyland just outside Paris.

The place was swarming with delightful princesses and funny head gear.

These three Mickeys (or should I say ‘goofies’?) caught my eye.

‘Ear they are. (Pun intended!) Meet the family…

If you’ve ever been to a Disney Resort, then you know that you need the stamina of a marathon runner.

With aching feet in temperatures of over 30 C the first day, I wanted whatever he was smoking…

We were overjoyed to find a rat in our food

And I stayed firmly on the ground as I let the others get slung into orbit on Space Mountain.

There’s nothing more exhausting or fun than getting into a festive mood every day and just enjoying life.

I dedicated myself to the task. After all, it was the Minnie-mum I could do.

For more cute pictures, please visit: My World.

71 thoughts on “Taking the Mickey

  1. Fiona, this looked like a lot of fun! That’s the only way to ‘look’ at it……there to have fun! Never been to any of the Disney sites..but hear they are a blast!
    Like the effect of the Space Mt. photo.


  2. ~~Such an adventure, Lady Fi,
    The photos are fun. Love to see your family. Lovely.
    Hubby and I went on our 10th anniversary.
    We were like little kids running around…not sure where to explore next.
    xx Kiss.


  3. Well, you’ve been having fun while I’ve been MIA from the blogging world! Good on you and good for your whole family; visiting Mickey does require great stamina but it’s so worth it.


  4. looks like great fun to me!

    I know what you mean. i’ve been to disney land a few years ago, and it was an amazing adventure, but such an exhausting one!
    glad to see your lovely family.

    the pictures are absolutely beautiful, you did document the place and joy soo beautifully!!

    have a great week ahead!
    betty xx

    p.s. i’d appreciate it if you’d delete my first comment with the Wrong spelling! argh!!!
    thanks in advance and sorry for any inconvenience.


  5. Minni-mum! Haha, good one! Love the fotos and I´m glad you showed us your family. Your kids are adorable! I´m sure they had a blast.


  6. So wonderful to finally meet your entire family. I’ve been to Disneyland in California, but not Paris. I wonder if it’s very different. Our is so crowded that you wait one-two hours per ride, which takes the fun away sometimes.


    1. The longest wait was around an hour. But we went early in the morning and managed to do a lot of rides before the park opened to the general public.


  7. wow that is a great perspective shot…amazing…dizzying a bit…smiles. so much fun…i wanna goooooo! great looking fam too…smiles.


  8. Looks like you all had a great time, and you got some lovely photos. I wonder if The Temple of Peril is still there…? I took my elder son on it about ten years ago. Afterwards we were both so shaken we could barely walk! It turns out the backwards-facing seats are NOT a safety feature, but stop you seeing what’s coming next and therefore add to the horror. Your children are just a little bit older than mine were at the time. Hope they had a fab time.


  9. I feel exhausted just reading about it! Glad you had a good time even though it was tiring and it was charming to meet your lovely family!
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May


  10. Lots of memories and family fun the kids will never forget! Great pictures! Love the one you took of yourself and the kids inherited your big ears! lol
    Thanks for sharing these! ~db


  11. Oh, such wonderful pictures of your family!
    I love Disneyland, have not been there in a while.
    Love Paris too, was there about 10 years ago!
    You are a very good Minnie- Mum.

    Margie 🙂


  12. I’ve always enjoyed my trips to Disneyland and it does look as though you and your family did as well! What a fun post and terrific captures for the day! Love them! I can see you most definitely got into the spirit of things!! I love it! Hope you and your family have a great week!



  13. Your description of your world as you maneuvered Disneyland made me laugh… what a great story in words and photos, Fi! And you and your family look terrific having a ball!


  14. Well, you can guess that we just loved those!! Murray was thrilled to see Disneyland Paris again and I loved your comments!! Excellent! Glad you had such a good time!


  15. I really like the last picture. We took our children to Disney World in the middle of the summer many years ago. It was nice to see that some things are still the same.


  16. It sounds absolutely exhausting – no trouble getting to sleep, that’s for sure! Fun, though, and worth all the running around, I think!


  17. You right about needing the stamina of a marathon runner. Over the years I’ve been there umpteen times with my children (Eurodisney is just up the road from us) and it is a joy to watch them have fun. Some of the rides are fun for adults but the queuing usually did my head in!


  18. Just to get back to you on hotel choice – Hotel New York for the first few years but Disneyland Hotel for the past five! Good for us because we can leave the parks quick if it all gets all too much for Murray and we can be back in the hotel room really quickly! He can have reallly good days but sometimes it all suddenly gets too much for him so a quick escape is wonderful! Also, having the characters at breakfast and dinner is a huge plus for him – photos with the characters is one of his main joys!


  19. Love your little Mousie family!!!! So cute!!!! And a visit to these kind of parks almost requires some training to keep up with the pace!


  20. Nice Disney photos! I’ve been to Disneyland (California) and Disney World (Florida) several times, and I always enjoy it. Did you ride the Tower of Terror, my favorite ride?


  21. It is a healing blessing to see such a wonderful family. Bless you guys-

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    My new blog posts are still not updating in blogger/reader OR links on others’ blogs
    So I ESPECIALLY appreciate YOUR visits! Thank YOU

    Comfort Spiral




  22. Fun to let go and play like a child for awhile. I like the angle you used in the photo of Space Mountain. I remember going on the ride. It was a lot of fun but so dark you couldn’t tell which direction you were going next.


  23. You seem to have a jolly good time 🙂 and as usual I really love ur pics, Just out of sheer curiosity – which camera do you use and which lens?


  24. How nice to see lovely pictures of you and your family! I know how tiring and fun at the same time at the Disneyland in summer. We had to stand in a long queue for popular attraction, so we always dashed to somewhere. If I rode on a hair-raising coaster at this age, I might become sick. Thank you for sharing your honest feeling and reminding me of the time gone by. Stay cool, and happy days ahead.


  25. Fi, this post IS MAGICAL!! There is nothing like seeing a family enjoying to the max Disneyland- You guys are a trip! And Disney is the only place where seeing a rat in your food makes you squeal with joy! Ah, I truly enjoyed this Disney visit. You and your posts are EAR-risistable!!!


  26. I’m catching up on blogs in my Reader. Thank you for sharing these photos of your beautiful family. Beautiful YOU shouldn’t hide behind the camera so much. : )


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