Bottoms up!

It’s a wonder the way a duck can transform itself

From being a clown in the water

To a poem of flight and song in the air.

Don’t let the fear of falling keep you from knowing the joy of flight. — Lane Wallace

For more graceful creatures, please visit: Camera Critters.

53 thoughts on “Bottoms up!

  1. The first shot is beautiful. The second looks like too many ducks in the water, causing some to fly away, but what a great capture! You caught them just at the right moment, Fi.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel


  2. Great shots! Yes, ducks seem to spend most of their time upside down and head first! The second photo is why I love photography so much….you can just hear those wings.


  3. Hee, hee… I often think of them as clowns. You see them waddle along, upend themselves in the water, then appear to laugh uproariously at some private joke. I find them a little comical in flight as well, because they seem to have to flap really hard to get going – they aren’t as greaceful as the larger waterfowl. But to see them glide through the water is just lovely.


  4. Love your beautiful shots sweetie, the ‘quack’ me up! They are comical fowl! :o)

    God bless ya and have an amazin’ Mother’s Day weekend!!!


  5. Ducks are certainly quakers at times and your 1st photo is great at capturing that with the seemingly headless ducks. The monochrome effect of the second shot is great too really works with the subject.


    1. Thanks. The second photo was shot in colour – but the weather was one of those dull grey days, which looks great on film and less great in real life…


  6. Love them. When I look at ducks on the water I always see them as a life metaphor: they look so serene, and under the water out of sight their little legs are going hell for leather.


  7. We do take them for granted, don’t we? As with other common birds, we don’t pay attention to their beauty and dismiss them from our minds without further thought.

    I think there’s a lesson in that for us, but it’s morning here and I haven’t had enough coffee to sort it out.


  8. I’ve been buried in work and haven’t been able to get over to visit in a while. What beauty I’ve missed. I your photography and philosophical verses and envy your ability to go to such a place of beauty and peace inside.

    Really lovely stuff, my friend.


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