Spring treasures

Some spring treasures that have brightened my week include …

The dazzling beauty of a daughter’s smile

The thrill of a son’s daring somersault

(Nothing shouts “Spring!” louder than a trampoline in a muddy garden!)

The burst of flavours and laughter popping on my tongue

And, finally, the brave budding of fragile flowers through the last of the ice.

Oh – and I just can’t resist a final final shot of spring – pussy willows with a message of warmth and promise hidden inside.

For more spring (or autumn) glimpses, please visit: My World.

77 thoughts on “Spring treasures

  1. What a sparkle in your daughter’s eyes! It speaks of promise and warmth as much as those lovely crocus and the furry pussywillows.


  2. What a fantastic look at your world — as always! Of course, I love the children and how beautiful they are! Isn’t it wonderful to be able to see and appreciate ones world every day? Delightful! Thanks for sharing! Have a great week! Enjoy!



  3. · Nice photos. The first one is fantastic.

    About your question…
    In the post 453, they are not piano strings .. In fact, the top right of the photograph is a bridge. I have reflected the mirror image and compressed image and then reflected down again.
    The music you hear is my second musical composition. You can hear the first one in the post 442 (La Mirada Ausaente)

    · regards

    CR & LMA


  4. Beautiful photos, your daughter does have a dazzling smile and your son looks as daring as mine on the trampoline!!! Can’t help but hold my breath when he jumps like that!!! And do you have a PIZZA OVEN????? WOW!! LOVE that!!!


  5. I see the children are still bundled, and you have a fire crackling inside, but surely those crocus blooms and pussy willow buds mean spring is also knocking on your door!


  6. Wonderful!! Brightened up a dull day here – thank you!

    ps-don’t worry Tinkerbell has moved herself to the safety of my room!! – F.


  7. You’re so blessed to have such wonderful treasures! Your daughter’s smile and her ‘spring’ on trampoline makes me smile, the glaring fire in the fireplace makes me warm, and the luminous flower and the velvety texture of buds gives me a promise of tomorrow.


  8. beautiful spring treasures!
    In your place it is almost 2 moths later then where I am living
    Must be a long long winter for you, very nice photos


  9. Your daughter’s smile can warm up the North Pole! Your son’s somersault brought back memories of my Chris, at that age, thanks! Can I sit with you and have some coffee by the crackling fire? Those brave little flowers brightened my day…and I hope those promising pussy willows have many wonderful spring messages just for YOU! 🙂


  10. Oh sweetie, your pictures just keep gettin’ better and better!!!

    I love then ‘air’ shot! Wow…just amazin’!

    God bless and have a glorious day!

    BTW: Happy Easter Giveaway…my place…ya’ll come! :o)


  11. Certainly something to smile about my friend.
    Wonderful shots and excitment within all.

    Having trouble with my net connections at the moment, keeps popping on and off a lot.
    Got Virgin coming out thurs, hoping to have it fixed and working all the time.


  12. Haha, I browsed the photos before I read the text as I tend always to do, and “daring” was exactly the word that came to my mind when I saw that trampoline move!

    Beautiful photo of the pussy willows, which I absolutely adore. They are the renewed promise of life, those beauties.


  13. Wonderful photos. Your daughter is adorable.
    I haven’t seen any flowers here yet, but my tulips and irises are poking their leaves up through the soil.
    Thanks for commenting on my blog and sending birthday greetings to my husband. I wasn’t able to comment while we were away because we seldom had a reliable internet connection.
    Now we’re home and thinking of getting back to normal.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel


  14. A fabulous post! The first two — your beautiful and charming children — could brighten even the coldest Winter’s Day! But how wonderful for you all to enjoy the budding Spring together.

    I didn’t get four posts behind on purpose, but it has been lovely catching up on the first of your Spring Days all at one fell swoop!


  15. My son liked this kind oif trampoline.

    Came via Dave’s Tirau post. I too stopover at Tirau and have photos of the dog and sheep.


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