
Some creatures don’t like the plunging temperatures that herald real winter.

I like to concentrate on the icy lace of bare trees

And the lone birdsong of winter birds.

Some creatures delight in the frozen ground

And the miracle of snow.

In fact, lying on a snowy field is their idea of being cozy.

What do you like about winter (if your country has this season, of course)?

For more cozy creatures, please visit: Camera Critters.

34 thoughts on “Cozy

  1. Ah, beautiful, beautiful images, just look at your dog enjoying the snow cover, yes indeed it is so cosy.
    What I like about the cold season is the white colour of the snow, that gives the scenery an enchanted feel and brings relief to our darkness. I also like the stillness and tranquility that settles all around, like a sense or rest and sleep. I wish we could also hibernate.;)
    Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the snow.;))


  2. Great shot, lov eth shot of your dog in the snow. My dog love the snow too. I am not a winter person at all. I wish I could skip winter all together.


  3. I do love all of the seasons, I just worry about the driving in winter. Especially when now that my kids are behind the wheel too.

    We are watching a friend’s puppy for the weekend, and got to introduce her to her first snow today! My dog showed her the joys of it and now they are both sleeping and cozy again.


  4. The heavy frost, coating the trees, turns them into winter art.
    And I love pictures of your dog!
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel


  5. WHAT kind of birds are those? :-O

    To answer your question: nothing.
    The only good thing would be being indoors next to a fireplace – but that implies AVOIDING winter so it’s not really a good reason either.


  6. I love winter if there’s an open fire – unfortunately, since we’re living in redecorating chaos at the moment, we won’t be able to do that for a while! So it’s all hot water bottles and duvets right now 🙂


  7. Lovely shots, especially the birds.
    What do I love about winter? Full moon nights with no clouds…Frosted trees…Perfect snowflakes…The smell of wood smoke…Hot tea…Quiet…


  8. Beautiful images, especially the first shot.

    I like all sorts of things about winter, from the snow and patterns of ice to the frosty morning mists. My favorite thing, though, is to play in the snow (sledding, cross-country skiing, sculpting snow people, etc.).


  9. I like winter much better since I moved to SOuthern California– I’m not a big fan of the cold or driving in the snow, but I do miss the beauty of a “real” winter…. like a winter garden when the big snow flakes are falling.
    Cheers, jj


  10. Delightful photographs! Winter allows us to see the skeletons of trees (deciduous ones, anyway!) and gives the landscape a different look. I like the fresh clean air of winter – so long as I’m appropriately dressed for it 😉


  11. Wonderful! These make me smile big. 🙂 I love me a good snowball fight…sledding..building snowmen and women and snow babies…we have camp fires outside when it is not too cold or windy so this has become my favorite time of year to have camp fires outside…I love a good blizard as long as loved ones are stuck safe at home with me and just having everything come to a stop and we can all have fun together watching movies, playing games and out in the snow….I actually love to shovel but I’m not really suppose to because of my injuries but it is such good exercise…lol…the only thing I don’t like about snow and winter is when it gets so so cold we can’t even be outside or when I have to drive on them when they are icey.

    Happy Monday! XX


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