Extraordinary ordinary

Not much happens in my life. I work, I play, I laugh, I cry.

I focus on the small wonders of life.

A luminous leaf nestled in diamonds.

A strawberry jewel in the frost.

I have faith – even in the dark times – that there is beauty in the ordinary

And that life, in all its frailty, still contains the miraculous.

For more beauty, please visit: My World.

68 thoughts on “Extraordinary ordinary

  1. You may feel that nothing much happens, but you have eyes to see the beauty in the ordinary, and that is a gift that ensures it is the right kind of “nothing much”!


  2. There is a lot going in your life! You work, you play, you laugh, you cry, you see beauty in everyday life, and share it with us…
    I’d say you are a very busy woman, and I thank you for letting us see your inspiring photos!


  3. There are small and great wonders in all of our worlds if we’re willing to pause and look and listen! Your glorious photos are certainly a part of the beauty in my life each week! And I hope your week is filled with more beauty! Enjoy!



  4. What a blessing it is to visit you here…your words and photo’s are such a great reminder and they give me goosebumps. 🙂 I’ve actually said to people, ” I live a very extrodinary ordinary life.” 🙂 Thank you for blessing me today. XX


  5. You are so right, the large joys and deep tragedies fade against the little things in nature that gladden our hearts.

    Frost is so exciting, I go out in the early morning in dressing gown and slippers and try to capture its beauty with my camera too.

    The strawberry leaf is material for a fairy tale.


  6. Couldn’t agree more! We are always looking for the little things – they are the best and most precious ….

    Thank you for your comment today and for emailing Dublin Zoo – much appreciated.


  7. Frost “diamonds” — what a beautiful thought. Some people live their entire lives without ever thinking a beautiful thought. Can you imagine what that must be like? So desolate.
    Your life is full of beautiful things and beautiful thoughts. Thank you for sharing them with us.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel


  8. That is gorgeous! I love those photos – such amazing detail and great angles. Your poetry between the photos fits them perfectly, as well. I could borrow some of that grace, I think.


  9. Sheer beauty, absolute sheer beauty.

    See, I am not the only one who sees the beauty and sadness in the falling leaves.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams


  10. Oh I totally agree with you! There are miracles and beauty all around …. if we just stop being “busy” and take a deep breath of nature.
    Wonderful post and AMAZING images!


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