The boys of summer

Sometimes a glorious summer evening explodes with sunny delight.

Calling your name so that you have to get out there and enjoy that light.

You rush to get yourself a set of wheels and you’re off!

Small or big, gliding is the only way to meet the intense joy of a light night.

And no matter how tough you look, there is still an appreciative spirit inside…

You are never too tough to enjoy a lovely sunset.

It really is all too easy to judge people by the way they look, isn’t it?

For more great shots, please visit: My World.

42 thoughts on “The boys of summer

  1. aloha,

    what a beautiful views, enjoying these walks via wheels is a fun way to cover favorite areas

    i have an interesting place to visit today on my sari site


  2. What a beautiful dog, and a beautiful blog post. You’re right, a night like that can affect youngsters who are glad to be youngsters, and those who are in a hurry to grow up, and those who are glad to be oldsters!!


  3. Lovely golden light in the sunset pictures. The one of Oscar is especially lovely, but then so is he. I like what you say about judging people on how they look….never a good thing to do.


  4. Yes, it really can be hard to not judge people by the way they look and you are right, we can all enjoy a beautiful sunset. I once had a dog just like this…for 17 years before I had to say goodbye to her a couple of years ago. Still miss her…just seeing your dog brought me back to the days of walking in the evenings with my dog. 🙂


  5. Those evenings in late summer when the light is just so and after the children have gone back to school are perhaps the most precious of the year. You are so right about being able to read much about people by observing their stance.


  6. Thanks for your visit and Comment
    Have no idea how old these house are on my blog,
    I think they are very old, it was a very nice small town in the former East Germany.



  7. That dog is just so darned sweet looking…I could hug him, too. These are all such nice photos, Fi…they are inspiring me to get outside and enjoy the last of summer.


  8. Hi Fi, I would enjoy that beautiful evening glow and maybe leave my judgements at home. My Grands have scooters – how they whiz along. I have to hurry!


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