Child-like spirit

What did I do on my holidays in England? I hear you ask.

Lots. So much that it will probably take weeks to tell you all about it.

By which time you’ll be begging me to stop!

We burnt our veggie sausages on a campfire.

I reverted to our childhood, by duelling with my sister (that’s her on your left) with sharp sticks dripping in roasted marshmallows.

I think our child-like spirit rubbed off on the kids, don’t you?

Anklebiter #2 with his cousin

So, what fun did you have over the summer?

28 thoughts on “Child-like spirit

  1. Looks like fun to me! I´m sure your kids will take the “marshmallow dueling” a step further next year….. maybe with burned sausages? 🙂


  2. Oh, what a fun time that must have been. I just love the photos, especially the anklebiter and cousin shot. Did you make your veggie sausages or purchase them? They look yummy. I have a couple of great recipes for homemade veggie sausages.


  3. We flew in a helicopter and stood next to 900 year old trees, but there were no marshmallows on our journey! Definitely will include those on the next trip!

    Looks like a great week!


  4. Living in the Southern hemisphere I will have to wait a few months, before I can answer the question on what fun I had over the summer 🙂
    Our temperatures have been so mild this winter that one would be excused for thinking it was summer. It is 9.30 pm and I am blogging in short sleaves – we have no heating on either.
    I guess my fun or pleasure is not freezing this winter.


  5. ha. sounds like you have been having fun…love me some campfire time….we went camping as well…and went sliding down waterfalls…swimming streams and lakes…and slept like bears when we finished…smiles.


  6. That duel looks like the way to spend a summer vacation! It is wonderful that you and the kids’ auntie are such great role-models! (And I mean that sincerely!) I really feel that playing is something we shouldn’t quit — ever. (I had a great two weeks with my great-grandkids!)


  7. this was perfect.
    because isn’t the silly getting together perfect. Being full of joy.
    We’ve had the strangest summer really, but I am still trying to find enough moments of silly.


  8. I’ve got my hols coming up in a month and I can’t wait!! (Sorry I’ve not been around much…my Mum is visiting and today is the first time I’ve managed to get any peace to spend some time online).

    I love the photo’s of you and your sister duelling 🙂

    C x


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