Nonsense? Yes please!

“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life’s realities.” ~ Dr. Seuss

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if imagination and silliness were on school curricula every day?

I hope to be silly even in old age… and by the looks of things, I’m succeeding! How about you?

29 thoughts on “Nonsense? Yes please!

  1. Great post and yes, I will be silly in my old age. Sometimes I forget that I’m not all that young, anymore!! Well, they say that age is a relative thing and I believe it.


  2. One of my favorite things is being silly with my grandkids, so I guess I am silly in my old age. I say”you go girl” to the woman in your picture.


  3. Well, as you know, Fi, I revel in silliness. I also encourage it in children, though in the US, the schools are full of seriousness. There’s work to do and tests to take.


  4. Oh yes, nonsense, and silliness are what keeps us young and open to new things. Lucky are those who remain that way even in their old age.


  5. silliness and fantasy are an essential part of being human. einstein said imagination is most important when creating something significant, or something like that. he said it was important. laughter, dreaming, what would we be without them?


  6. Absolutely! A sad thing is that so many children learn very quickly what is “silly” or imagination and what is not. A little pal of mine turned 3 recently and I gave her fairy wings, a wand and a mask. Her mum said: “Now you can do magic!” and she replied: “Yes, but ONLY pretend!”
    Her mum and I were horrified and almost took the stuff back because we KNOW we can do magic.


  7. yes it would be…so much is wasted in the rigor of standardized testing…every once in a while you get one of thoese teachers though that uses theirs and allows the kids to do so…


  8. The day you forget to be silly is the day your life isn’t fun anymore!!

    And in answer to your question about the movie “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo” (which I reviewed today on my book blog), it was subtitled. I hope we get the rest of the movies releases here too!!! I’m sure the “Hollywood” version is totally going to screw it up!


  9. silliness is not tolerated in my kid’s school. it’s all about grades. I know they are important to a degree but using one’s imagination is vital.


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