45 thoughts on “Bedazzled by … pink!

  1. Gorgeous! In a few days, all of the pink trees on my street will be in bloom, to be followed shortly thereafter by the falling of pink “snow.” Nothing like your real snow, which only adds to the beauty of the pink in your sky.

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  2. Stunning captures, Ladyfi! I feel the same way about pink — not my favorite color except when it comes to clouds/skies! And you’re right, there’s definitely nothing placid about your skies today! Wonderful! Wishing you a great weekend! Enjoy!



  3. Just catching up with your blog, I love the hags, funny how the Christian Church chose similar times of year for feasts and events! Gorgeous pale pink sky.


  4. It looks like a dawn out of a picture book. Why is there still so much snow? Sheesh, you really must be feeling it is enough already.


  5. I´m like you, unless pink is worn by sweet little girls, I´m not a fan. But the pink in the sky is totally different! Spectacular!


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