Of great art and snow

While most of you have been out delighting in the new buds of spring, Sweden has been celebrating in style.

That’s right – someone forget to send Nature the memo about it being spring. Instead, we received several days of snow, blizzards and howling winds.

Which turned out to be a blessing. The anklebiters rushed out in the weekend storm, excited to be a part of creating this great snow sculpture. Don’t you think it looks a bit like Rodin’s Thinker?

It was too dark to take a shot when they had finished, so I crept out with my camera on a glorious sunny morning. (Sir Pe refused to come out in his dressing gown so I could show you just how big this snow sculpture is!)

The view blew away my grumpiness at the lingering winter.

The first blush of dawn on the new snow. The lake with its frosted topping stretching to the church, and beyond that to a sky with a dazzling sun.

As my Edward Monkton card declares:

May the happiness of the Happy Snowman never melt in the WARM and LOVELY garden of your HEART.

For more spring-like skies, please visit: Skywatch!

36 thoughts on “Of great art and snow

  1. A lovely, fun and delightful post as always, Ladyfi!! I love the snowy “thinker”! What beautiful shots — even though I know you’re getting tired of the snow, in spite of your sunny attitude! Love it! Wish I could send you some of our sun — although for the next few days we’re supposed to have more rain??? Wishing you the same happiness and may it never melt in the lovely garden of your Heart, either! Thanks for a delightful post for the day!



  2. Oh no…no snow…yes mother nature is playing a terrible trick on you….we are hoping to get out on our boat this weekend…we have had such a mild winter here….

    Your photos are splendid regardless….

    Happpy Easter weekend to you!


  3. I thought it might be an April Fools joke about the snow and blizzards, but I know you haven’t seen the tips of crocuses yet. Spring will probably come so quickly that you’ll sneeze and miss it. Your days must be growing longer, at least.


    1. Yes, we have lovely long light days… I just came back from a walk where I saw a lone tip of a crocus nestled there among the frost and ice…


  4. Snow doesn’t usually lift the spirits this time of year! These are beautiful scenes, though, and I’m looking forward to seeing the other Rodin sculptures portrayed in snow. 🙂


  5. Much as I love your beautiful photos, I am DONE with snow 😉 In my corner of the globe (Eastern US) we broke all records this winter, but I suppose I grew some muscles digging out!

    Glad you can still enjoy and spring will come soon and you’ll enjoy.


  6. I love your snow blanketed scenery, it’s so beautiful! Oh and nice snowman too. Thanks for the comment on my sunrise pics…..I agree with you…..dawn is my favorite time of day also, I just wish I were an early riser to enjoy more of them! LOL


  7. The weather is mad this year … we have winter back the last few days! The poor spring flowers don’t know what has hit them!!

    Excellent snow sculpture!


  8. Lady Fi — you and the ankebiters have the right idea! Make the most of it, whether by taking a beautiful pink morning picture or by re-creating a Rodin. (It really DOES look like the Thinker!). Enjoy enjoy — but I do hope for spring pretty soon for all of you.


  9. I think new snow is lovely, even this late. It’s the ugly, dirty stuff I dislike. I’m glad you have a positive attitude about the white stuff. Actually, even though we have had a touch of spring here in Ontario, Canada, Winter could return at any moment.


  10. Fun (and funny!) post…sorry for all the snow (we’ve been getting TONS of rain ..haven’t seen the sun in a week, blah!) but it does look awfully pretty!


  11. You gave me a little bit hope…or , better to say, positive attitude. There is so much snow still around our summer cottage (near Norrtälje, Stockholm län).
    But there is no bugs yet 🙂 As Michael J. Fox said, I got my doze of Lyme too.
    So some similar things about us, to be “love immigrant” and to have strange deseases. Not to mention about losing constantly keys and ID -card…
    Have a Happy Easter! Glad Påsk!


  12. I do see the similarity with Rodin’s “The Thinker,” but only when I strained my eyes and forced myself to visualize the real Thinker. You are a patient lady with all that snow. No wonder Scandinavians are so excited when the sun peeks through.


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