New skies

As it’s Losar in Tibet and New Year in most of Asia, I thought it only fitting to post the skies we had here on New Year’s Day (Jan 1).

The sun rose optimistically in the sky

Casting a glow on sleeping football nets

Pregnant with the hint of rosy promises to come.

By lunchtime the sun had cast off any show of shyness

To burst into a firework display

Of candy-floss spun clouds

And veils of pink and blue.

Click the pictures to really see them!

For more pink fluffy skies, visit: Skywatch!

HAPPY NEW YEAR if you are celebrating one!

37 thoughts on “New skies

  1. Oh, what gorgeous captures, Ladyfi! How lovely that the sky kept it’s promise!! I love them! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Chinese New Year, and all that other stuff — just enjoy and celebrate being!



  2. I just looked at all your pictures! Beautiful skies, a great dog, loved the street in Sweden..the skaters look pretty serious and the last one of the snow and ice on the trees is amazing.


  3. It’s lovely with pink and blue skies, but the bluest of blue skies is what I’d like to see…the other is so gloomy! Even though your photos are stunning-I’d like some sunshine and blue skies!!


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