Gnome sweet gnome

The children’s excitement about Christmas has reached seismic levels that cannot be measured on a Richter scale of anticipation and enthusiasm.

Each morning in the run-up to Christmas Eve – which is the BIG day here in Sweden when Santa leaves presents – the kids have been getting up and swabbing floors and windows (at around 6 am) in the hopes of keeping on Santa’s nice list!

In olden days, Swedes had house elves for that sort of thing and you only had to pay them with porridge rather than yawn-filled early mornings.

The anklebiters are also keen on the idea of having Christmas chocolates, preferably ones that they have made themselves out of melted chocolate or cocoa powder, milk and sugar!

They are eager to clean up after themselves, conveniently self-defeating though, as they forgot to clean their hands, thus peppering the house, walls, floor and fridge with delicious smears.

Oh, well – we usually just decorate the house with towers of LEGO. The chocolate handprints are a nice festive touch!

May you all have a laughter and chocolate filled Christmas!

18 thoughts on “Gnome sweet gnome

  1. “Each morning in the run-up to Christmas Eve – which is the BIG day here in Sweden when Santa leaves presents – the kids have been getting up and swabbing floors and windows (at around 6 am) in the hopes of keeping on Santa’s nice list!”

    Oh, for such magic all year ’round!


  2. What a great pic of the elves 🙂

    Chocolate are on my list every day of the year– but I eat extra on Christmas.

    Thanks for a terrific year of blogging. It’s be nice getting to know you better.

    Merry Christmas!


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