The new pool

There was excitement in the air.

A hint of anticipation after the endless rain and grey clouds.

At last, they could go out and enjoy themselves!

They gathered up their friends and children, packed their swimming things…

… and set off to find the new pool.

Rumour had it that it was large, set in beautiful surroundings and that the water was just the right temperature.





Come on in – the water’s lovely!

For more amusing pets, please visit: Pet Pride.

22 thoughts on “The new pool

  1. Doesn’t look like they use chlorine and think of all the bacteria after the kids pee in that pool… thanks, I’ll pass on a swim!! ;-))


  2. Marvellous! Water birds take advantage of – even delight in – fresh stretches of water, however temporary they may be. Round here swans glide gracefully in fields normally occupied by sheep!


  3. Well – you had me fooled! Think I’ll leave the swimming to the ducks and geese! Now – my Grandchildren would find that “pool” very inviting!


  4. Loved the intro!

    After the wettest November on record here in Ireland we have lakes not just pools of water all over the countryside! Fields of water everywhere!


  5. Your writing is wonderful! You have a great sense of humor, and wonderful creativity. I am enjoying wandering through your blog.


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