
I wonder how this poor cat got stuck up that tree? Can you see it – its silhouette dark against the bright branches?


I don’t want to point any fingers…

… but I have a pretty good idea who might be behind this…

A certain someone who looks as if he was innocently enjoying a long walk…


Who - me? I'm innocent!

If he is innocent though – why the guilty look?

For more innocent pets, please visit: Pet Pride!

26 thoughts on “Stuck

  1. Have i gone nuts? I cannot see Oscar in that photo..just a lousy path and some frost and some green and yellow trees..
    Oscar would never chase a kitty on purpose..the kitty must have driven him over the edge.
    What goes up must come down..and I have never seen kitty skeletons in the trees:)


  2. I remember Paddy chasing a cat up a tree on Ditchling common and actually climbing the first few branches of the tree after it!!


  3. :-O
    surely some other dog was responsible? Or a fox, maybe?

    (Bunnies in a Boat is something I painted this past weekend just because I wanted to but there is some sort of story to the painting… I decided to refer to it as an illustration even though there is no book… yet! 😀 )


  4. Yep, I think the cat was trying to blame the dog, and poor Oscar was innocent! 🙂

    The countryside is beautiful there on your hike. Love the photo with Oscar!


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