Of reflections and boats

I walked down a leafy forgotten path when I suddenly spied some boats washed up on the shore. Colours fading, lying there overlooked…

… like cast-offs or children’s toys loved and then left.


It struck me that – sometimes – boats are like people.

We might neglect them; only see the outer shell of flaking paint; forget how once those colours glowed and how they carried us across troubled waters.


What do you see when you look at that boat, that person?

Neglected, abandoned; the beauty gone? Or can you go beyond that to see the jewel that is still there, the beauty and serenity?

Look deep, my friends – because what you really see is your own reflection.

For more perspectives of the world we live in, please visit: That’s My World!

48 thoughts on “Of reflections and boats

  1. Good analogy……
    really does make you stop and think about those we have “abandoned” along the way in our lives………….not proud moments.


  2. How I do like that last photo! It shows the beauty and serenity you speak of. It would be nice to grow old like that.


  3. Lovely analogy and gorgeous shots!! It felt so peaceful looking at those photos..thanks for sharing both the photos and the thoughts..


  4. We never neglect bots since our country is surrounded by large bodies of water, it is of great necessity to us. I like paddling the boat especially on the calm waters. Nice photos!


  5. You wonder, how those boats came to abandoned. The one filled with water is obviously watertight and could still be used. It’s sad to think of them as people in the same state…though it’s an apt analogy. Still, like people, maybe they could be rescued and put to good use. Let’s choose to believe that’s gonna happen.

    Best Regards, Galen

    Imagineering Fiction Blog


  6. The photo of the boat is amazing. Gorgeous. Wow. (I’m trying to cut down on my exclamation marks if not the hyperbole.)

    Seriously, LOVE LOVE LOVE that boat pic. I can’t explain it but it totally speaks to me.


  7. Wow! Quite the thoughts for this Ozarks farm chick to ponder! Your photos are amazing. So true as we age and our outer self begins to peel away our strength comes from within. I so want to be like the last boat who may be tattered and torn on the outside but full of life on the inside. Thanks for sharing.

    As we say down here in the Missouri Ozarks hills and hollers, Ya’ll have a wonderfully blessed day!!!”


  8. I know what you mean-sometimes we don’t nurture our friendships with the people who have ‘carried us across’ rough seas-we should be mindful to nurture those we love (and our boats too-they’ll last longer!)


  9. Beautiful thoughts, I can even feel their meaning as I am growing older.
    Both your photos are beautiful but that perfect reflection in the second one is breathtaking.
    Thanks for sharing this beautiful post.


  10. Beautiful pictures and thought provoking commentary. There is strength in something that has lasted the way those boats have, and stories to tell.


  11. Beautiful photos, but people aren’t like boats. Boats don’t have attitude – if you have a bad attitude, people will avoid you. A person who really listens to others will never lack for company.


  12. there is beauty in abandonment, desolation or anything neglected. we just have to see beyond the negative to appreciate it. and your photos definitely see beyond that. great job.


  13. Mr FF grew up on water – as it were – and treats his boats as he does me – with love and care. Having said that, his current one is an inflatable catamaran so doesn’t need much tlc.


  14. hey Lady Fi, its beautiful change on seasons where you are! and the halloween costume hilarious! love the boat analogy, too, makes me ponder that. Have a great day!


  15. Oh such beautiful photo’s. Often we must really search in order to get to the true beauty. I love old stuff like this. It’s done it’s work in life and now is time for just sitting back and enjoying the beauty of a well deserved rest.


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