Coming unravelled

Have you ever had one of those weeks when you feel that life is just a little bit unhinged? When you manage to put your foot into things without even having to try?

That feeling of having something on the tip of your tongue, except you don’t know what it is? It feels a bit like coming home and planning to go to sleep early. There you are in your old blue dressing gown and unwashed hair and suddenly the doorbell rings. You discover that you have forgotten that it is your turn to take care of the entire Scouts club for the evening and they suddenly descend on you like an army of unwanted fire ants on a sugar high.


Well, that’s the kind of week it’s been. A week where I’ve been going round with my skirt tucked in my knickers, but nobody bothered to tell me. A week where I discover that the annoying string that has been hanging around and tripping me up actually originates from my brain.

It is the week where I discover that my mind is unravelling like a big ball of wool.

So, if you find a tangled mess of wool huddled in the corner, please tidy it up and return it to me in a neat ball.

Failing that, can you please knit me a warm, cozy straitjacket?

17 thoughts on “Coming unravelled

  1. I’m sure you’ll feel better tomorrow-also a long vigorous walk should help and maybe some chocolate-and a holiday. And hey, sometimes I feel like that for months (what did you say? my skirt is on backwards?? oops!!)


  2. Ugh….I’m having a week also!!! How weird is that?? But mine is exhaustion…I just can’t get going this week….ugh….but it’s now the weekend for me…so trying to stay positive….you do the same…if you smile…the world smiles with you, shirt tucked in your knickers and all…. ;-))


  3. And I thought this was going to be another post about your sewing skills! Yes, I know that unravelled feeling well. Here’s hoping that you get re-revelled soon!


  4. I’m with Kelli….you talkin’ ’bout me? 🙂 Sounds like you need a hug, not a straight jacket. I possibly contributed to that. Sorry 😦


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