Going to hell

Do your New Year’s resolutions go in one year and out of the other? Or are they just a way of making a fresh start on old habits?


As Mark Twain once said:

New Year’s Day… now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual.

Have far down the road to perdition have you come?

By the way, remember to go to PaddyK and check out our Blog Carnival! The circus is in town… and it certainly puts the Blo into Blog! I’ll be hosting the carnival next time, so if you want to jump on the bandwagon and bang your own drum, then send me some links to appropriate posts about your experiences of living in a foreign country.

12 thoughts on “Going to hell

  1. I don’t bother to make new year’s resolutions. I don’t see the point. Most people who make them, don’t keep them. I know I would most certainly be one of those people. I just try to do the best I can from one year to the next.


  2. my resolution to stop moaning about the weather: fail. To be motivated and do stuff:fail. To read more books: pass. To read fewer blogs: fail.


  3. hahaha that is too funny! seeing as I just finished M&M’s…I am fulfilling one and breaking the other…I am being happy and NOT losing that weight! 🙂


  4. I´ve been to hell….when we went to the Caymans….lol.
    Not somewhere I want to go back so I better keep my resolutions..
    Oh wait, I dont make resolutions! LOL


  5. I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry *stands in a corner repeating the words over and over again*

    Happy Late New Years Fi…I suck, I really do…

    Will be sending over those extra paper thingies that has 1000 printed on them. Does it matter if it’s Monopoly money? ;o)


  6. When I saw this title I thought you were going to HELL NORWAY…I’ve been there once…to Hell and back….not really that impressive actually….

    Hmmm, my resolutions are going 50/50….I’m exercising and trying to eat better but haven’t turned my tv off as much as I should….it’s just hard while it’s so dark and icy outside…and I don’t have enough books yet to read…ugh..I know, excuses!!!!


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