Apology to Boreas

hoar-frostThis is a public apology to the weather gods – especially to the Greek god Boreas (also known as Aquilo if you speak Latin). For Boreas is the god of the North Wind (either that or he ate too many beans  last night), and it is he who comes flying over the northern countries, breathing on us with his icy breath.

And being a god, he is rather fickle, to say the least. And very sensitive. (Such is the  male ego!) You see, there I was complaining about the weather, when – in fact – we were actually having a heatwave. Soon after yesterday’s post hit the Internet, the temperatures decided to plunge headlong downwards: not to hell, but to where hell freezes over.

OK – so it was only -21 C, but that really did feel a bit cold. Biting even on the cheeks (the ones on my face, dear readers).

As you know, people tend to have a good side in profile, and a bad side – well, that is what they would have us believe when we are taking their picture anyway.

I’ve discovered that I have a rosy apple-cheeked side and a flaking, peeling, chapped side. My left side obviously thrives in the cold weather, and I come back all sparkly-eyed and red-cheeked after being outside. My right side is definitely the wrong side when exposed to cool weather: my eye starts weeping, the tears congeal on my cheek, causing the skin to crack and flake. Very unappealing (or unappeeling, if you like).

But I digress. Back to my apology.


You see – as soon as I started bad-mouthing Boreas, the temperatures plummeted like a hot air balloon losing gas. So, now that I am making a public apology, they will soon rise again, like high hopes or the cost of living.

Because that’s the way weather works.

23 thoughts on “Apology to Boreas

  1. (Henry is speechless for a second or two) -21 DEGREES??? No, that’s Siberia weather isn’t it? How come your blood doesn’t freeze? Now that, I couldn’t stand. Mum, however, says it’s a great excuse to eat lots of chocolate and other yummy calorific things in order to keep warm;) Mum says Oscar is soooo cute. (Henry huffs and looks rather jealous)


  2. -21-degrees! Wow, that is cold! One of the things I don’t like about the weather is that my skin dries out terribly so I am always itchy.


  3. Patti: it’s now much milder -around – 13 C or so… but another cold night is forecast!

    Henry: You are VERY VERY cute! I love ya! Luckily, blood is hibernating so that’s why it doesn’t freeze.

    dog geek, Jacki, Babs: Well, it is nippy! But OK as long as you don’t stop moving…

    Hayseed and American in Norway: Oh – you and your balmy weather! 😉

    Kottemamman: Ah – that’s why! And that’s why the cold weather is playfully called Kung Bore!! Not Bore as in the English bored, but from the Greek Boreas…


  4. That’ll teach ya won’t it??? You are going to be a good girl and not say anything from now on right????………Right????

    By the way I could see your dog’s cheeks have also gotten quite rosy from the walk…looks cute 😉

    I LOVED the photo of the snow/ice flakes..very cool!!! What kind of macro zoom lens do you use?


  5. You have my sympathies! My husband, on the other hand, positively THRIVES in this weather. In fact, he’s riding horses right now with my daughter and last I checked, it’s 18 degrees farenheit outside.

    Cool (not just temperature wise) flake photo!


  6. Well now I know who to blame for the COLD weather we’re having too. I think you jinxed the entire planet! Now give him a big hug and sacrifice a goat or something…because I need spring! (oh and to all goat lovers…I didn’t really mean sacrifice …ok I did)


  7. And I’ve just turned on the aircon as it’s 34 here in sunny western australia, just got to go and cool off in the pool!!


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