81 thoughts on “Clear light

  1. Ah, Oscar does know how to make the most of every day!! And what a lovely, peaceful scene!! Great shots as always! Hope your week is going well!


  2. There’s something very nice about being outside AFTER a storm… Things just ‘smell’ fresh…. Bet Oscar enjoyed his swim… Beautiful photos.


  3. Perhaps, it is me, but whenever I see a reflective surface disrupted or disturbed , as in these photographs, it reminds me though the context is worlds apart, of Michael Ondaatje’s novel Coming Through Slaughter. In the novel both characters explore that thin film which separates reality from creativity. Within the fiction of the novel both characters, go insane when they break that film and cross into the other side. Here, the dock, the people on the dock, Oscar swimming, break that thin film between what is real and what is divine and the viewer can pass safely back and forth between the worlds.

    The last picture my fav, but both need to be seen together I think. These two photo’s go to the art and not just the craft. Be proud of them.


      1. As an Enigma everything is metaphour, everything is suspect and wrought with encoding. A photograph is not just a ‘click’ of the button but rather a lifetime of thought and reflection crammed into a F-stop from 1/16000 s to 1/2 s. I always say there is no such thing as a bad photograph, however some images have a built-in higher level of honesty stemming from the thought and reverence of the photographer -much happens behind the scenes, then it is all over in a heart beat.


  4. I love the almost monochrome look, it’s lovely

    I’m inviting you to join us for Travel Photo Mondays, the link runs all week so I hope you can join us for the next installment?


  5. I’ll trade you places. You can sit here at my computer with the backdrop of construction noise behind the house and I’ll enjoy the tranquility of this beautiful spot!


  6. I love the light after a storm and you’ve captured it beautifully here. And a happy dog, too! Thanks for keeping Our World Tuesday going, it’s one of my absolute favorite memes.


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