The miracle

It’s early. Very early.

The fog hangs in soft veils as I sneak outside, camera in hand.

Suddenly, a screech rips the sky in two to reveal

A single heron soaring in the blue dawn.

He is joined by two more  – a feast for tired eyes.

They whirl, they dance, they leave me breathless

And speechless

Until they fade into the happily ever after

Of a new day.

For more miracles, please visit: Our World.

79 thoughts on “The miracle

  1. Fi, I really needed this today….thanks.
    I bet these herons also ‘feel’ the same some mornings as they are approaching a new day.
    You may be ‘speechless’ but that last photo has left be ‘breathless’.


  2. There is a feeling of awesomeness when you go out early in the morning. Can you imagine, these birds get to feel that every morning. I am so glad that you took these photos. Have been encouraging myself to slip out of bed early all summer, LOL. But late night Bootsie cat wakeup calls have made me so tired in the early mornings, this might just be the incentive I need.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams


  3. this word-photo vignette is one of my favorites if not my all time fav. it’s worth noting how large a slice of life one can cut from the simplest of moments and eternal truths.


  4. These photos are like Japanese paintings depicting profound beauty and serenity. The herons look expressing their joy and praise of life. Thank you for the soothing effect on my heart, ladyfi.


  5. Breathtaking captures as always, Ladyfi! I always look forward to the beautiful photos of your world and you never disappoint! I do hope you’re enjoying a great week! Thank you for being a part of Our World!!



  6. Oh my! Truly the glory of the morning, the colours and atmospheric effects are amazing and your commentary is so very fitting as well.
    I am overwhelmed by the sheer beauty of this post.
    Thank you for sharing with the rest of us in Our World.


  7. My goodness, this is poetry in images… Just look at those colours and the setting, that mist gives the landscape an enchanting feeling…
    I so love your photography.
    I am trying to catch up after a short trp to UK, it sends its regards.;)


  8. Oh, Fi – You live in a fairy-land, and share it with us. Sometimes, I get tears in my eyes reading your posts and seeing those gorgeous photos of the lake.


  9. How could you take this kind of pictures! Am I seeing a real world or a dream ? One thing for sure is it took hours to come here to leave my admiration passing through so many admirers.


  10. Nature is a great great theater!! I want to gaze at you photos all day long. Especially the third one is so beautiful!! Your photos made me speechless.
    Have a great day!


  11. oh , thank you so so much!
    apologies and request for grace as I’ve been away from the blog world. I hope all is well with you as well. I miss your posts, I do. I hope to catch up now that there is more of a routine with school etc.
    Mostly I have been in family stuff, as the situation with my mom , and by extension all of us extended family, estranged or otherwise has both unravelled, and come together. As well as the alzheimer’s , she has late stage lung cancer, just found, and is in hospital and I’ve been going back and forth when possible ( about 4 hours away).
    Anyway, this is a season , no? Bittersweet and trying and yet so full of beauty and grace that it does take my breath away.. Truly.

    sending hugs and gratitude and wishes for peace to you as well,



  12. It seems that fog forbid us making noise. Very beautiful blue dawn. And very beautiful pale pink dawn and orange dawn. I moved the changing of morning light in a short turm. Thank you for sharing this stunning post!


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