Digital detox

One more week of work before my summer holiday.

As you might have seen, I’ve been taking a break from my blog.

I’ll be away for a while yet…

Digital exhaustion has set in so time away from the screen is what’s needed.

(Our World will still be up and running every week – don’t worry! :-))

For beautiful stories, make sure you hang out here: Our World and Skywatch.

54 thoughts on “Digital detox

  1. You will be missed. Your words and photos are always so uplifting. Relax and be kind to yourself. [Helen]


  2. Stunning, and mean STUNNING capture, Fiona!

    WOW! WOW! WOW!

    As always, my friend, thanks so much for sharing the beauty of your home!

    Enjoy your break! And have a super week! ๐Ÿ™‚


  3. You left us with a beautiful sky — hope you are enjoying your well deserved virtual vacation — and the IRL one when it starts. I agree with you about the need to detox from “devices and computers every so often.


  4. Ha, I measure breaks ‘from it all’, by months even years. We have a life time to capture it all, do we not. Enjoy, rejoice, till you come trundling back.


  5. I understand completely – I have been having a blogging break too. Much needed. Enjoy whatever you are doing.


  6. Hello. What you wrote is totally understood. Analog world is much more healthier in spite of the convenience of digital world. Hope youโ€™ve been refreshing yourself from digital exhaustion. I came back from my two-month break. Take your time and enjoy yourself.

    Yoko alias stardust


  7. Hope you and your family are doing ok in these troubling and challenging times. It’s always a treat to enjoy your gorgeous photos. Take care and hugs!๐Ÿ˜


  8. So sorry you are ending Our World Tuesday. You did your bit by picking it up and keeping it going for a years and I appreciate it. Numbers on all the memes are declining. I used to post every day now it’s just two or three times a week but I post twice a day generally on instagram.
    Thank you for all you have done to keep our gentle corner of the internet going.


  9. So sorry to hear this is the last of OWT. You have done a remarkable job of keeping it going all these years. Thank you so much for providing a space for sharing our posts.


  10. You and your puppers will be missed once you quit Our World Tuesday. Will stop by to see if someone takes it over. I also consider quitting Pictorial as I don’t seem to have the audience others do, and as you say posting is a story in itself. So sorry to read about Ruby. Tugged at my heart for you. She was beautiful


  11. Thank you for all you have done for blogging and I don’t blame you a bit. But I will miss OWT just as I already miss your beautiful posts. If you are still on FB, I will try to stop by your page because I’d like to keep in touch. Although I’ve pretty much given up all social media except for blogs (as long as they last.) Do take care of yourself — be well and happy. And again thank you for everything you’ve done.


  12. Just popping by to see if you’re back – I see that you’re on Instagram so I will go to try find you there! As someone who took a five year break from my blog – before reviving it last year and backdating some posts – I understand!


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