The comedians

Squirrels are natural comedians.

Their poses and faces are very expressive.

“”Peekaboo! they seem to say.

“Bet you can’t see me lying flat against this tree trunk!”

And even, “It takes two to tango!”

These scamps are adorable, don’t you think?

For more escapades, please visit: Our World.

38 thoughts on “The comedians

  1. I love squirrels. Whenever I see them, I try to take photos, but sometimes they’re too fast for my phone camera. These are lovely shots. Oh yes, they are lovely comedians.


  2. I do, I do! I am still fond of these jokers even as they create a ruckus about my house each day, and despite the fact that one of them bit me in my boyhood when I tried to fondle it as it lay basking in the sun, requiring me to get a painful injection in my arm.


  3. Hello,
    They look like they have so much fun chasing each other around the trees. Cute photos! Take care, enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy new week!


  4. They really are! We had one that would come to our sliding glass deck door and knock to let us know the bird (squirrel) feeders were empty. (really. He would bump the door.). Wish I’d had a cellphone camera back then! …… the wisteria in your header shot is beautiful!


  5. OMG…you already know of my LOVE and OBSESSION with these adorable little creatures, therefore I LOVED this post!!!!!

    Isn’t it amazing how fast they go up, down, and all around a tree?

    Thanks so much for sharing this, my friend. It totally made me smile! 🙂 And it’s funny because I just got back from the park where I fed my squirrel buddies!

    Have a grrrrreat week!


  6. I will agree they are cute, but the ones that have been chewing things up under the hood of my car, are not so welcome.


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