
The local authority where I live is very conscious about boosting the biodiversity of the area.

We love visiting the fields of wild poppies —

And the fields of clover buzz with bees.

They are also comfy for dogs who want to rest! 🙂

For more wild shots, please go to: Our World.

44 thoughts on “Wildflowers

  1. Oh, that is so great to hear, Fiona! I LOVE the look of poppies. And I remember when I was a kid and we would all try really hard to find a four leaf clover because it meant good luck. 🙂

    Beautiful photos, my friend!

    Have a terrific week!


  2. Hello, Cute shots of the dogs and poppy field. You live in a beautiful place. Take care! Enjoy your day and have a great new week!


  3. On a side note…

    Please visit Wild Horse Education blog here on WordPress for details on our Wild Horses being rounded up

    800 Horses will be needing new homes including foals



  4. Nice to see, on so many levels. Flowers sparkle and just make things, well, better. For resting. For revitalizing. For buzzing about in. I plan on planting poppies, and few other plant varieties in a plot of land in Nova Scotia next year when I move there for good.


  5. your wild flower fields are so different to ours in Australia where we have masses of everlasting wildflowers and others spreading over the dry red dirt. Yours are glorious too and I can imagine laying in them with a book….


  6. Hello, Ladyfi! You made me smile. The dogs are half submerged in the wild flowers.

    Yoko alias stardust


  7. I wish I could join you in these wonderfields of poppies and clover. We have nothing like it here. [Helen]


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