Autumn perfection

I could live in

Autumn forever – couldn’t you?


Just look at the view of those trees

Behind the dogs!



Dear friends – I’m off to England on Saturday and will be away for almost a week due to family reasons. So I won’t be posting or visiting much.

For more autumn or spring views, please visit: Skywatch.

And don’t forget: Our World Tuesday.

61 thoughts on “Autumn perfection

  1. Yes! It’s my favorite time of year but we already had snow yesterday. It went from sweaty weather right past sweater weather into parka time. 😦


  2. “I could live in

    Autumn forever – couldn’t you?”

    Yes I could, Fiona! Autumn is without a doubt my very favorite season 🙂

    STUNNING photographs! And please send some of that Autumn weather and color our way, because in many parts of the US it feels like mid-summer.

    Hope all is well with your family, my friend. See you when you get back.


  3. Autumn is the most wonderful of seasons, love your photographs.
    Have a good trip home.

    All the best Jan


  4. I definitely could. As with life itself, I wish this penultimate season could go on forever. It’s what comes next that scares me ;>). We run away from winter while we can. Seasonally. Not in life. Safe and Happy Travels!!!


  5. Yes, Autumn is a glorious season. In the Spring I have been swaying to call that my favorite time of year, but Autumn has jumped back into first place. Guess I’m fickle. Have a safe trip to England – hope all is well.


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