64 thoughts on “Fabulous fog

  1. “I tried to grab some fog …

    And I don’t think I mist!”

    Bwhahahahahaha! OMG, I LOVED that, Fiona! You are so clever!

    These photographs are STUNNING!!!!!! I adore misty, foggy days. They feel so Gothic and mystical.

    That shot of the boat through the fog is gorgeous!

    Thanks so much for sharing the beauty, my friend! 🙂


  2. Beautiful fog photos, Fiona, and I’m sure I will never cease to be amazed by Ruby’s love of large rocks. I can’t imagine any of my late, great dogs getting up there, especially my little terrier-mix Bonnie. (She’s a jumper, though, five or six feet into the air to catch a frisbee.)


  3. I just come here for the puns!** The beautiful scenery and the beautiful dogs are an amazing bonus. ( ** not really, but you do make me laugh!!)


  4. We’ve had fog and/or rain or cloudy weather for two weeks now. I’m afraid our fall color will be gone before we get sunshine. Hoping for a little peek of the sun because our color is gorgeous this year. Ruby is a beauty! What a sweet walking companion!!


  5. I loved EC’s comments so much that I’ve copied them!
    ‘Mysterious, mystical, magical.’

    … and marvellous

    All the best Jan


  6. I love all of these pictures. How it transforms regular beauty into something much more. Mother nature really is something special and always delivers the most amazing things. You captured the beauty so well and will be looking at more of your pictures.


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