Sizzling sunset

Vivid red sky

And a sizzling reflection;


The setting sun balances

On clouds.


Later on, a bird flies by.


(All photos straight out of the camera.)

I’m going to London at the end of the week and then filming in Gothenburg as soon as I get back, so I won’t be posting for about ten days. 


For more dazzling stories, please go to: Our World.

And don’t forget Skywatch on Friday.

70 thoughts on “Sizzling sunset

  1. Fiona, the color you captured in these images is SPECTACULAR! I love the suns reflection in the lake. GORGEOUS!

    Have a wonderful time in London and Gothenburg, my friend. See ya when you return 🙂

    Safe journey to you!


  2. I’ll miss your posts but what a fantastic set in the meantime. Wow, the shapes and textures really work with the color sand reflections. I love the white above the sun, it puts the photos over the top.


  3. It truly is sizzling, but we have lots of those. And they are not just in view, we can almost feel it because it is indeed very hot here. I almost cannot stand the heat anymore, already praying for the rain, hehe.


  4. Wow ! your pictures are really stunning ! I have a problem with my Blog comments, they don’t arrive in my mail, so I have to look if people commented ! You don’t know by any chance what I should do to get the comments in my email again, it’s since 4 days now !


  5. Breathtaking as always! My favorite is the last image in which a bird is becoming a speck toward the setting sun. Have a nice trip!



  6. Beautiful. We also went right into Summer it seems here in Ohio once the rains and colder quit. Thanks for sharing the link up at Our World Tuesday.

    Peabea from Peabea Scribbles


  7. Wonderful photos! Have a good time in London. I just came from there and enjoyed the city to the max.


  8. The bird shot reminds me of one I took. I had a series of rainbow shot and then discovered I caught a barn swallow passing in front. It was the best one I took and didn’t plan it. – Margy


  9. Wow – stunning captures Fi. Once again I thank you for sharing your spectacular part of our world. Safe travels. I am off to Vancouver Island, BC in Canada next week for 3 months house/pet-sitting, and don’t know if I can sort out how to upload images onto my tablet for blogging, but ….. I shall return ! 🙂 Wishing you well


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