A surprise visitor

This weekend, I went down to the lake

To enjoy yet another golden sunset with the dogs.

This time – we were joined by a surprise visitor: a beaver.


The beavers have been very active further around the lake,

But now they have felled trees near the beach too.


Which might explain why the beaver was so eager to visit.

The beaver swam up towards Ruby – before realizing she was a dog….



With a huge splash of its tail, it disappeared under the water.

Simmie decided he had to guard Ruby – and the floating pontoon!


The sun was still blazing in the sky at about 9.30 pm

As we watched the beaver swim away in a lake of molten gold.


For more surprises, please visit: Our World.

And Skywatch!

88 thoughts on “A surprise visitor

  1. Hello, neat sighting of the beaver. I love the gorgeous lighting , colors and reflection. Cute furbabies too. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!


  2. That beaver certainly caught the attention of Ruby and Sammie…..

    Beavers can do so much damage… We took a hike when we were in Arizona and saw some of the tree damage done by beavers… YIPES.



  3. I know beaver can be destructive, but I think they are a neat creature. We have come upon them when we canoe. To hear them slap the water with their tail is a unique sound.


  4. We have lots and lots of beavers and otters here— but seeing them isn’t the easiest thing. Great shots. The Dogs no doubt would love to play with the beaver.


  5. You have a way with words as well as the lens, my friend. We had a beaver come up close to the little teddy bear dog I take care of and it didn’t seem to care about anything much on land. It seemed to have building on its mind and eventually slid back into the water.


  6. What a wonderfully magical moment you captured, Fiona! Faaaaabulous!

    And the color you captured is exquisite! These images almost look as though they were shot in Autumn!


    Have a super week, my friend! 🙂


  7. How interesting to watch beavers at work, though I guess they can do quite a lot of damage as well. All this observation in such lovely lighting. The dogs look very interested and alert!


  8. How wonderful that you got to watch the beaver. It is a mix of feelings when they take down trees. But i hear it is all part of the perfect plan, life in balance. Lovely images.


  9. I was looking through your latest photos and I have to say I’m so jealous because winter has arrived in my part of the world 🙂 How wonderful to just sit and watch the critters have fun on a gorgeous day!


  10. They are amazing photos, I’ve never seen a Beaver apart from on TV, so I would have loved to experiance that like yourself, wonderful.
    Take care, Gordon.


  11. Your words and images dance together so seamlessly…..amazing and beautiful.
    I’m glad the beaver only slapped his tail – my wildlife-loving husband says they can be quite aggressive
    with their big chompers when they feel threatened. So strange to think of those cute creatures that way.
    Thanks for sharing the gorgeousness,


  12. Talk about being on Golden Pond! Just looking at these pictures makes me breathe out and relax.


  13. Here I am, always a day or more late. (Comment #70-something, I think.)
    I haven’t seen a beaver in years. I spent most of my life in British Columbia, where there are plenty of backwoods ponds and places. We’d see plenty of beaver dams, and now and then a beaver.
    What a great shot you got.
    Now I must try to get something out for Skywatch Friday.


  14. What a beautiful sight!! I have only seen beavers in the wild a couple times but I see their handiwork all over the place. They are the wreckers and disrupters of modern civil engineering so I say go beavers go.


  15. Heisann, uansett årstid, er det vakkert ved vannet med reflekser og stillhet. Ha riktig go´hælj ;:OD)


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