Winter snapshots

Winter has many forms of beauty —

Sometimes it’s clear ice and cloudy skies,


Or a burst of pink dawn;


At other times, it’s golden fog


Or a honey glow over cottage and snow.


All photos taken with my mobile phone, so please excuse the quality.

I’m away for work this week, so may not have time

To get around to your blogs.

I’m linking up to: Our World and Skywatch. Please pop over there for a visit!

91 thoughts on “Winter snapshots

  1. GLORIOUS images of one of my two favorite seasons (Fall and Winter)!!!! The colors you captured are breathtaking, my friend! The lighting in the second image is incredible. And the last image looks like a picture perfect postcard!

    Thanks so much for sharing the beauty! And have a lovely week!!!


  2. Dearest Lady-fi; What an awesome color or hues of winter☆☆☆ Have a wonderful new week♩
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend, xoxo Miyako*


      1. Say a woofie hello to Ruby and Simmie from TessaDog. Tessa would love to run on those rocks and swim in the water with them!!


  3. Phone pics are still good – that’s the only thing I use these days since it’s always with me. Spectacular sky in that first photo.


  4. Remarkable what landscape and a phone can show! Nice.

    Sorry about slow reply – I have been in New Zealand and blogging has taken a bit of a back seat.

    Cheers – Stewart M – Melbourne


  5. I would not have known unless you pointed it out. The color and composition are exceptional. Each shot is stunning, the dog looking over the lake, the sun at the edge of the photo and the mist and mysterious landscape and lone cabin in the snowy woods are remarkable.


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