Icy pearls

Last week saw freezing cold mornings followed by sunny afternoons.

frosted lilac

The constant freezing and thawing

Created the most delightful pearl necklace made out of ice.

(I was amazed how a single strand could hold such a heavy load.)


Frost hung like jewels on the delicate strands of cobwebs —

frosted lines

Reminding us that the seemingly fragile

Can also show strength and endurance.

Single strand

For more inspiration, please visit: Our World.



91 thoughts on “Icy pearls

  1. I think I read somewhere that weight-for-weight cobwebs are stronger than steel! Your photos have capture their tough but delicate beauty.


  2. “Frost hung like jewels on the delicate strands of cobwebs.

    Reminding us that the seemingly fragile

    Can also show strength and endurance.”

    Isn’t nature amazing?

    Phenomenal captures, Fiona! Your photography always blows me away!

    Have a great week, my friend!


  3. Your posts/pics are always SO beautiful and magical! I do look forward to them every week and I do want to thank you for helping host Our World!! You are appreciated!! Hope you have a wonderful week ahead!!


  4. Thank you for noticing one of nature’s little miracles and capturing it in your camera for us. “…the seemingly fragile can also show strength and endurance.” So true!


  5. I do love your exquisite necklaces and you do indeed see so many of nature’s miracles!! And I’m SO glad you share them with us!! Have a beautiful week, stay warm and enjoy the moment — as always!!


  6. Quite fragile and magical, amazing details… Spring has come!! Calendaristic speaking… and We’re waiting for more signs, early, fragile, but optimistic…
    🙂 🙂 A good day of Spring, a happy time to spend in nature… *_* 🙂


  7. Dearest Lady-fi; Fascinating pictures of frosts♬♬♬ Love t he phrase ‘Frost hung like jewels on the delicate strands of cobwebs’♡♡♡

    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in England, xoxo Miyako*


  8. Spider webs are amazing things. I am in awe then spiders spin a thread and take off into the wind, not even knowing if they will land in a friendly environment.


  9. Dear Lady Fi, that Rowling quote is said by Professor Dumbledore I think in Rowling’s first or second book. It’s been a favorite of mine since I first read it.

    Your words and photographs today made me think of Inger whose blog I just read. Her husband has been ill for almost a year and the two of them have shown such fortitude and strength. Human beings can be so amazing. Peace.


  10. I loved your first shot – do your bulbs have buds the minute they come up from the ground? Ours take much longer. Those ice particles on the web certainly look like strands of pearls. Have a wonderful week and thank you so much for stopping by my blog this week.


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